What is composting?
It’s dinner for your garden! Composting is nature’s process of recycling living and nonliving material to fertilize soil.
Why do we compost? To reduce the amount of garbage we throw away. To recycle plants, food, and other materials to feed plants.
How does composting work? The combination of air, water, brown and green materials break down into very small pieces and create food for plants in your garden.
Composting Recipe: Water Air Green material Brown material
Brown Composting Material: Brown composting material are items that are dead and high in the element carbon. This includes: – Dried plants – Leafs – Pine needles
Green Composting Material: Green composting material are items that are alive and high in the element nitrogen. This includes: – Grass clippings – Vegetables – Fruit
Composting Video Compost-11225
What can you compost? Apples Bananas and Banana Peels Other Fruits Vegetable Peels and Scraps Bread and Noodles (that are not too greasy) Nut Shells Rice Coffee Grounds and Filters Egg Shells Flowers Grass Clippings Leafs Tea bags & filters
What not to Compost: Do not compost: – Meat – Fish – Greasy Foods – Fried Foods – Cheese – Milk – Yogurt – Oils – Bones – Animal droppings
What can you do? Compost your cafeteria and school snacks into one of our many school compost bins. Encourage your classmates and your teacher to do the same. Encourage your family to compost at home!