Would you rather eat this? Or this?
This big mac is full of carbohydrates, fats, and oil! 1170 calories are all jammed into this one meal, this is the equivalent to one whole day’s calorie intake! If you want to loose weight, or just become healthier, this is the wrong way to go! This may be really tasty, but if you want to be healthy, don’t always go for fast food, try something different…
Not only is this option delicious, it also contains 3 of your 5 a day! It is jam packed full of Vitamins, nutrients, protein and fibre. This meal is great for anyone who is trying to loose weight, or become a healthier person! Want to see some more meals like this? Just keep watching!
Oatmeal - Oats contain beta glucan, which is a type of fibre which has been shown to help lower cholesterol levels when eaten regularly. Oats also contain Omeaga-3 and potassium. Greek yogurt – This is loaded with calcium and plenty of protein, nearly twice as much as regular yogurt. Berries – These little things are high in fibre, calcium, magnesium, Vitamin C and Vitamin K. What else could you want? Healthy and Tasty, this little meal will have you ready and active for your day! It provides a lot of energy and a lot of nutrient, which is key to healthy living! Porridge with summer Berries Contains 2 of your 5 a day! Only 152 calories!
Pasta – This great carbohydrate provides a lot of energy for a long time! It’s full of healthy vitamins and minerals, proteins and fibres! Cheese – This is a perfect non-meat source of protein, and is crammed full of calcium and other minerals. Plus it’s been proved that cheese is great for your teeth, so get munching if you want them in your 70s! Olives - These have been shown to decrease the levels of fat in the body, they also remove excess cholesterol. Enjoy this delicious and light lunch, it’ll provide you with the energy you need to make it through the rest of your working day! This is a great choice if you’re always on the go! Pasta Salad Contains 4 of your 5 a day! Only 358 calories!
Chargrilled Chicken with cauliflower and chickpeas Chicken – This is high in potassium, calcium and protein. Chicken is also known for filling you up for longer! Chickpeas – These little heroes are your best friend if you want to loose weight. They are also high in fibre and protein, meaning that you are fuller for longer. Cauliflower – This is a very good source for vitamin C, omega-3 oils, and vitamin K. This delicious meal will get you smiling for the rest of the evening, it’s full of all the good stuff, like protein, fibre and vitamins! But be warned, limit the amount of chicken that you have, as it can increase your weight as well. Contains 2 of your 5 a day! Only 413 calories!