Joaquina Nacho Jack Kira
Dairy products like milk, yogurt and cheese are the best sources of calcium essential for strong bones and teeth. They also provide proteins. Try to get 2 to 3 servings from this food group every day.
Dairy products are very rich in proteins, calcium and vitamins. They good for are growth and repair your body.They help your body take care of its self. They also help to keep your teeth strong. Serving: It's not very good you if you have only dairy products. It is better for you to eat dairy products and other foods. You would look like this!!!!
On July 23 rd,1998, the Lender´s bagees mottoon company baked an araudanhos Bagle that was 34, 9 cm high, it had a diameter of 169 cm and it weighted 323,86 kg. On January, 1991 at the Provincial Patisserie at Barcelona, the biggest chocolate ship was made. It was 8,5 m high, 13 m long and 2,5 m wide. This also chocolate figure is the biggest ever made. It weight 4 tons
I eat some cheese. And went on knees Then I had milk. And startet to think. Then I had ice-cream. And rear eady for a football team. After that I had some milk –shake. But then I had a head-ache After a while I had chocolate. And then I flew a rocket.