How to make a hollow sphere in clay.
Key Words Scratch, Slip & Seal Thumb pot / Pinch pot Sphere – ball shape
1.You will need a clay board, a clay knife, an old brush and three pieces of clay.
2. Form a ball with each piece of clay.
3. Press your thumb into one of the clay balls and gently squeeze between thumb and fingers.
4. Do this several times turning the ball around each time 4. Do this several times turning the ball around each time. The walls of the pot should be of even thickness.
5. Tap them gently on the board to flatten the rim.
6. Make each piece of clay into a pinch pot 6. Make each piece of clay into a pinch pot. Choose the best two and make the third one into a slip pot.
7. Pour a little water into the third pot and stir with a brush until the clay mixes with the water to make a sloppy mixture about as thick as yogurt – this is called slip.
8. Scratch the surface of each pinch pot to roughen it.
9. Brush your slip on to the scratched surfaces of your two pots.
10. Push the two pots together.
11. Use a thumb or finger to seal the two sides together.
12 Gently tap and roll the sphere to smooth over the surface.