10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction European Agency for Reconstruction How we are helping the Environment in Serbia, Montenegro, Kosovo, and FYR Macedonia Presentation to the Governing Board 3 October 2003
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: A difficult legacy in the Balkans Effect of war – mines, unexploded ordinance, uranium Little investment in infrastructure Dirty industry A weak regulatory environment Limited capacity of environmental institutions A lack of public awareness Rudimentary or absent waste management Inadequate conservation management
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: The consequences are stark Widespread environmental degradation (including coastal and protected areas) Pollution of water resources Severe local air pollution Soil pollution and erosion Deforestation Human health suffers
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: The needs are numerous and costly Develop new laws and set new standards Develop institutions Rehabilitate infrastructure, particularly sewerage systems and waste storage facilities Modernise industry Deal with “hot-spots” Build public awareness
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: Encouraging reform through action Supporting Ministries of Environment Developing legislation Establishing regulatory bodies Drafting national and local environmental action plans Some emergency action to remedy “hot spots”
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: Serbia 2003 Setting up a national environmental agency Drafting a national environmental strategy and environmental action plan Preparing 5 local action plans Feasibility study for hazardous waste collection and treatment. Feasibility study for a waste- water project in Belgrade Study to control emissions in coal fired power plants Rehabilitating Pancevo Canal
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: Montenegro 2003 Developing the Ministry of Environment, and local authorities management of environmental matters Preparing a master plan for improving sewerage and waste-water management Establishing regional solid- waste utilities, and reforming legislation Providing trucks and other waste collection equipment
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: Kosovo 2003 Providing institutional support to the Ministry of Environment and Spatial Planning Developing and implementing environmental legislation Improving management of water resources Developing models for water supply and wastewater disposal systems in rural areas Continue to clear ash dumps, and complete landfills
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: FYR Macedonia 2003 Institutional support to the Ministry of Environment Improving the management of trans-boundary water resources at Dojran lake and Vardar river Aligning environmental legislation to EU standards Drafting with government a national environmental action plan, and local plans Phasing out leaded petrol; working to remedy “hot spots” Feasibility studies for solid- waste management
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: Helping clean up Six new landfills in Kosovo Cleaning the ash dumps by Kosovo B Air and river monitoring systems in FYR Macedonia Better sewerage close to the Skadar lake in Montenegro Dealing with the Pancevo Canal in Serbia Providing waste collection equipment
10/05/2015European Agency for Reconstruction Environment: Cooperating with donors Sweden and Finland with the Ministry of Environment in Serbia German government in waste-water French government in a waste-water facilities in Podgorica and Ivanovo (Serbia) With Greece in our work in FYR Macedonia Also working with IFIs