Office of Military Personnel DEERS/RAPIDS CCGNRC Brief CWO Joey Brown Military Compensation (CG-1222)
Office of Military Personnel Civilian Retiree ID Card Chipless Cardstock SSM/VO can terminate current Civil Service record due to retirement (with SF-50) SSM/VO can NOT add the category if not already in DEERS. In these rare cases, the SSM/VO should contact the CG Project Office.
Office of Military Personnel Volunteer Network Access Card Three year pilot program authorized in Aug 2008 Used for network access only – no photo/bar code Entered into DEERS via CVS. Must be a verified record in order to issue card There are no CG volunteers authorized to participate in the program. CG-54 working with DMDC to include Auxiliarists.
Office of Military Personnel SSN Reduction Plan Per Congressional mandate, DoD’s goal is to eliminate unnecessary and unsecured usage of the SSN wherever possible. Previous plan has been delayed. CENTCOM raised concerns because the SSN on the ID card was used as a passport to enter/depart foreign countries. TRICARE had issues as well as they require an identification number New Proposal: The SSN will be replaced by the 10 digit Electronic Data Interchange –Person Identifier (EDI-PI) number that is automatically assigned in DEERS. This will be the Geneva Convention number and will be printed in place of the SSN. It will be considered PII and protected as such. (DoD ID number) An 11 digit DOD Benefit Number will be printed on any card issued that conveys benefits. This will be the identifier used by TRICARE. The first 9 digits identify the family; the last 2 digits identify the family member. Both the EDI-PI and Benefit number will be printed on the ID card. DHRA is drafting a policy memo for service coordination
Office of Military Personnel Defense Biometric Identification System DBIDS is a physical access control system that is used by the DOD to manage personnel, property and installation access. you may be required to register in DBIDS if you access one of the DOD installations that use it. The DBIDS program registers and maintains a database of ALL Department of Defense identification card or common access card holders requiring access to an installation and is currently installed at 27 DOD installations in the continental United States. ALL personnel will include active duty, reservists, civilians, contractors, dependents, retirees, and visitors. During registration, DBIDS will capture and store your digital photograph and biometrics. Once you are registered, a hand-held device that scans the bar code on the Department of Defense identification card or common access card will allow the gate guard to view personal identifying information and whether or not you are authorized to enter the base.
Office of Military Personnel Additional Talking Points : *Gender Changes: Gender changes are allowed (retirees only) provided nobody is disenfranchised. Manual process has been developed while policy is being completed. *Effect of Healthcare Plan on DEERS enrollment of children >23: Currently has no effect. A Bill has been introduced to raise the age of eligibility to 26 but no changes can be made to DoD policy until the law is changed. * RET-2 Reservist eligible for retired pay before the age of 60: NDAA 2008 Sec 647 authorized certain reservists to receive retired pay prior to the age of 60. These reserve retirees will be issued a blue retiree card, but will not receive medical benefits until age 60
Office of Military Personnel Card Chart: Family of DoD Cards
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