REDCap Hands-On Lab Fred McClurg Neil Nuehring Jesteny Pascual University of Iowa Institute for Clinical and Translational Science (ICTS) achments/ /REDCap_Lab_Boot_Camp.pptx
ICTS REDCap at U of Iowa Any U of Iowa researcher with a valid hawkid and password can login and use REDCap
Basic User Information Form If you have not logged into REDCap previously, enter your first name, last name and U of I address. You will receive an requesting to validate your address. Upon confirmation, you will obtain access.
Creating a New Project Click the “Create New Project” tab: Enter Project Title: (fmcclurg)
Creating a New Project Select the Project Purpose: Project Purpose Categories :
Creating a New Project If the project involves research, please complete the Principal Investigator’s contact data. This information is very important. It allows us to: 1.Track research performed 2.Provide metrics regarding resulting publications 3.Justify to management for continuation of service
What Kind of Project? Select Project Type:
What Kind of Project? Confirmation Notice: The PI information can be updated at any time via: Project Setup -> Modify project title, purpose, etc. The PI information can be updated at any time via: Project Setup -> Modify project title, purpose, etc.
Data Entry Options Select Collection Format:Via Project Setup tab, you can enable longitudinal data collection or surveys:
Data Entry Collection Format Classic Data Collection Data collection will be performed once per subject Longitudinal/Repeating Collection For collecting the same data multiple times per subject Also has optional scheduling capabilities via project calendar
Navigation Pane and Work Area NavigationPaneNavigationPane CenterWorkAreaCenterWorkArea
Accessing Online Designer
Data Collection Instruments Add, modify, rename, delete, and change the order of existing forms
Hiding the Navigation Pane Clicking on bar hides navigation pane Hover on the bar until the cursor changes Clicking on bar again restores navigation pane
Study ID: A Record Handle The Study ID stores the unique identifier (e.g. MRN, SSN, address, etc.) for each record (similar to a row in a spreadsheet). It becomes the handle by which data is associated with a specific participant.
Study ID: Requirements Should not be deleted Must be first field in the first form Variable can be renamed but only before data collection begins Study ID values must be unique
Online Designer Operations The icons identify what operations can be performed on each field. Online Designer enables easy, interactive creation of form fields.
Copying a Field The copy option duplicates all the field characteristics except the variable name
Copy Verification Dialog After pressing the copy icon, the dialog above is displayed to verify the operation.
Editing a Field The edit option enables the modification of all the attributes of a field.
Defining Field Type and Label
Field Types A description regarding most of the REDCap Field Types are listed on the ICTS Wiki page.
Defining the Field Attributes Variable Name Data column handle Validation Field type constraint Required Mandatory field Identifier Mark identified data Custom Alignment Response arrangement Field Note Additional field text
Variable Name: A Data Handle The handle associated with data. Similar to a spreadsheet column name. Follow the rules for a variable.
Variable Name: Requirements Should be descriptive (not a1, b2, etc.). The name is how the analysis data is referenced. Must begin with an alpha character (e.g. A-Z). May contain only the characters A-Z, 0-9, and the underscore (no spaces, punctuation, special characters or symbols). Should be less than 26 characters (due to risk of truncation in a statistical analysis package). Must be unique across all forms in a project.
Text Field Validation Restrict text input in order to catch data entry errors before form submission (strongly recommended).
Text Field Validation Types Improves data integrity by verifying field value upon input. Helps prevent invalid entry prior to form submission.
Invalid Text Field Dialog A warning dialog is displayed if a text field has a text validation defined and the value contains invalid data.
Invalid Text Field Indicator Invalid text is indicated by displaying the string in bold font along with a red underline in the text box of a validated text field.
Required Field Inform user that field is required. 15
Required Field Form Display Required fields are indicated with the string: * must provide value The label is displayed in a red font below the field label on the input form.
Required Field Dialog A warning dialog is displayed if a required field is left blank.
Identifier Field Fields that reveal information regarding the patient’s identity may need to be marked as an “Identifier”. These fields can then be excluded so “de-identified” data can be exported for analysis. Examples include: first and last name, , or any other information that can be traced to a specific individual.
Custom Alignment Custom Alignment controls the position and orientation of the responses on the data entry form.
Custom Alignment Types Custom Alignment defines the location of the question responses.
Alignment: Right / Vertical These responses are aligned right of the Field Label (or Question) and arranged vertically.
Alignment: Right / Horizontal These responses are aligned right of the Field Label (or Question) and arranged horizontally Note: Multiple fields with a right or left horizontal alignment is an alternate method for creating a matrix
Alignment: Left / Vertical These responses are aligned left of the Field Label (or Question) and arranged vertically.
Alignment: Left / Horizontal These responses are aligned left of the Field Label (or Question) and arranged horizontally. Note: Use as an alternate method for creating a matrix
Field Note The field note allows you to place text below the form control in order to provide additional information or instruction to the participant. 1616
Adding a Field Inserting a New Field
Adding a Matrix of Fields Inserting a New Field Matrix
Matrix of Fields Results Resulting Field Matrix Edit Field Matrix Dialog
Inserting a New Field Select Field Type Enter Field Label (question or data value prompt) Specify Variable Name
Insert a Second Field
Choice Values If choice values are not specified, they are defined automatically
Choices (Radio, Drop Down, Check) An integer value is assigned to each item
Changing the field type results in different form controls Radio Buttons Drop-down List Checkboxes Same Choices, Different Field Types
Creating a Conditional Field Branching logic can be used to show (or hide) fields that meet a certain condition
Using Advanced Branching Logic Conditional fields can be created by specifying the variable and value of the field that makes the condition true
Creating a Conditional Field Alternatively, the Drag-N-Drop Logic Builder makes defining the condition easier
Starting Data Collection The Data Collection section in the navigation pane, lists the links that are useful for data entry. In order to create a new (or existing) record, click on “Add/Edit Records”.
Entering a New Study ID A new record is created when a non-existing identifier is entered on the first page to the data collection interface. Press “Enter” or “Tab” key to submit the data. If the record already exists, that Study ID can be retrieved.
Using an Existing Study ID An existing Study ID can also be selected from the appropriate dropdown list on the first page of the data collection interface.
Generating Reports Report Builder allows you to create simple reports.
Displaying Reports The reports can be used to display the data and navigate to specific records.
Exporting Data The reports can be used to display the data and navigate to specific records.
User Rights and Permissions Allows you to grant a user full or partial access to the database
Adding a New User A new user can be added to the database by entering their HawkID.
Granting User Privileges Define user’s access rights: Identifier Data visibility Grant privileges to other users (Note: Observe caution in granting “User Rights” to others) Allow/Deny other’s access to project specifics
Record Locking Privileges An entire form can be locked which prevents modification of any record.
Record Privileges Use caution granting the privilege to create, rename, and delete records to others. By default even the project owner does not have “Delete or Rename Records” access.
Data Entry Rights Data entry rights are granted on a per form basis.
Data Entry Rights Once a user is added a project, they are sent an notifying them that they have access. is sent only if user has previously logged in.
User Rights View Or by selecting the HawkID from the dropdown list User rights can be modified by clicking on the HawkID link
Deleting a REDCap Project The procedure for deleting a project (which includes all the forms and the data): 1.Select the project 2.Click “Other Functionality” tab 3.Press “Delete the project” push button
Deleting a Project (continued) 4.Type word “delete” in the dialog text box. 5.Click “Ok” on the confirmation dialog.
REDCap Documentation Training within REDCap: FAQs (Help & FAQ Tab): ex.php?action=help Video (Training Resources Tab): ex.php?action=training Local REDCap documentation: REDCapDocs/REDCap 30
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