Amdocs A Place to Grow US Benefit Review 2011 Open Enrollment for 2011 will be held from Monday, October 25th through Tuesday, November 23rd. US Benefit Review 2011
Benefit Eligibility If you are a full-time, active Amdocs employee who is regularly scheduled to work at least 30 hours per week, you are eligible for coverage under the Amdocs’ group benefits program. You have 31-days from your date of hire to enroll into the benefit programs. Enrollment is not automatic. Amdocs is claiming Grandfathered Status under the Healthcare Reform Act. Grandfathered means that the plan was in place on 3/23/10 and will remain in place. Changes are allowed within established guidelines. Amdocs chose to retain the grandfathered status because it will allow Amdocs -Some flexibility to control the impact of the changes legislated by Health Care Reform. -Will provide Amdocs some control on the cost impacts to both Amdocs and to its employees
Dependent Eligibility You can also choose coverage for your eligible dependents. Eligible members of your family include: Your spouse Your eligible children Your children who are physically or mentally disabled Your domestic partner and their eligible dependents Children are eligible up to the age of 26 regardless of student or marital status Child cannot be eligible for another employer sponsored plan It does not apply to dependents of the child (spouse or child) Cost – will not be treated differently than other eligible dependent children You must provide the Social Security Number (SSN) for all eligible dependant enrolled in the Amdocs benefit plans
Domestic Partner Coverage Amdocs offers insurance coverage for Domestic Partners and eligible children of the domestic partner A Declaration will need to be completed by both the employee and Partner, confirming that eligibility criteria has been met. The form will be sent once elections have been updates in Benefits Self Service Eligible Domestic Partners include: Same sex partners Opposite sex partners when one partner is at least over the age of 62 Eligible Domestic Partner Children Employee contribution rates for the additional coverage will be taken from each paycheck on a post-tax basis. This deduction will be in addition to current pre- tax deductions for each coverage type that is selected. For tax reasons, the dollar value for the health, dental and vision coverage will be treated as taxable income for the taxable income for these benefits is subject to withholdings for Federal income tax, State income tax as well as FICA. Payroll will withhold the appropriate POST-Tax deduction for each pay period. The taxable income will be reported on the W2 issued to the employee for the years in which the coverage is provided -Will include medical, dental and vision (Amdocs is only required to provide medical coverage) -Dependent children that are married are eligible for coverage – but spouse and child of that dependent are not eligible -Dependent child does not have to live with employee -coverage from university not considered “eligible plan” – can be enrolled with Amdocs -child currently on COBRA; can reinstate under Employee Plan as of 1/1/11 -Coverage will end at the end of the month in which the child turns 26 -”Child” definition – son, daughter, adopted child, stepson, stepdaughter, eligible foster child of employee or spouse. Domestic partner children will be eligible for coverage, however will continue to be subject to after-tax charges
Impact of Health Care Reform Grandfathered Status Statement The Amdocs Medical Plan believes the Amdocs Medical Plan is a “grandfathered health plan” under the Patient Protection and Affordable Care Act (the Affordable Care Act). As permitted by the Affordable Care Act, a grandfathered health plan can preserve certain basic health coverage that was already in effect when that law was enacted. Being a grandfathered health plan means that your plan may not include certain consumer protections of the Affordable Care Act that apply to other plans, for example, the requirement for the provision of preventive health services without any cost sharing. However, grandfathered health plans must comply with certain other consumer protections in the Affordable Care Act, for example, the elimination of lifetime limits on benefits Questions regarding which protections apply and which protections do not apply to a grandfathered health plan and what might cause a plan to change from grandfathered health plan status can be directed to the plan administrator at St. Louis Benefits Department at 1-866-426-8003. You may also contact the Employee Benefits Security Administration, U.S. Department of Labor at 1-866-444-3272 or This website has a table summarizing which protections do and do not apply to grandfathered health plans
Medical Plan Options The administrator is CIGNA HealthCare ( Eligibility begins on date of hire Two Options for coverage POS - Point of Service PPO - Preferred Provider Organization -1/1/11 no OTC reimbursement except for diabetic supplies and prescribed medications -Co-pays and Deductibles will continue to be eligible for reimbursement -”Reportable” line item on W2 -Any OTC medication purchases on or after 1/1/1011 will require substantiation. Benefit Card will not work on these purchases. Paper claim will be required.
Point of Service (POS) Plan No Annual Deductible for In-Network Services Must select Primary Care Physician (PCP) Doctor’s Visit - $15 co-pay Urgent Care Facility - $30 co-pay Emergency Room - $75 co-pay, which is waived if admitted Outpatient Surgical Facility – $40 co-pay Other outpatient services – paid at 100% Inpatient Hospital Service – $150 co-pay per admission Lifetime maximum benefit is unlimited
Preferred Provider Organization (PPO) No need to select Primary Care Physician MUST meet annual deductible before plan will pay any expenses Annual Deductible Annual Out of Pocket In Network Limit In Network Employee $300 $600 Employee + 1 $600 $900 Family $900 $1,200 Preventive Services including annual physicals, mammograms, PSAs – In-network - paid at 100% - no deductible Doctor’s Visit (non-preventive services) In Network - Pays 80% after deductible Hospital Services (inpatient or outpatient) and Emergency Room
Prescription and Out of Network Coverage Prescription Coverage under both the POS and PPO Plans In Network (30 day supply) Plan pays 100% after $5 co-pay for generic, or $20 preferred brand, or 30% for non-preferred brand (minimum co-pay $35, maximum $70) (subject to limitations) Mail Order (90-day supply) Plan pays 100% after $10 co-pay for generic, $40 preferred brand, or 30% for non-preferred (minimum co-pay $70, maximum $140) Out of Network Plan pays 70% after deductible has been met POS and PPO Out of Network Benefits - Plan pays 70% after employee deductible and is subject to usual and customary rates Annual Deductible Annual Out of Pocket Limit Out of Network Out of Network Employee $ 600 $1,200 Employee + 1 $ 900 $2,400 Family $1,200 $3,600 Basic plan still offered at no cost to employee. REMINDER: Dates of open enrolment are Monday, October 25th through Tuesday, November 23rd!
What’s the difference between POS & PPO? Service POS PPO Select a Primary Care Physician (PCP) Yes No Referral to Specialist In POS, the doctor works directly with CIGNA to get referral/authorization Doctor’s visit $15 co-pay 80% after deductible Inpatient Hospital Services $150 co-pay per admission Outpatient Surgery $40 co-pay Emergency Room $75 co-pay Preventive Services Office Co-pay - $15 Preventive screenings covered at 100% Office visits and preventive screenings covered at 100% -Co-pay on Basic – lowered to $10 from $25 -Fee Schedule for frame, lenses and additional features such as scratch resistant coating and transition lenses. -Cost of classes will be easier to estimate.
Dental Plan Administered by CIGNA Dental Eligibility begins date of hire Employee may choose a provider from: CIGNA Core Network CIGNA Radius Network Non-Contracted (Out of Network) Provider Annual Deductible $50 for individual $150 for family Waived for preventive care
Dental Plan (cont.) Benefit CIGNA Core or Radius Networks Out-of-Network Preventative 100% Basic Services 85% Major Services 50% Orthodontics UCR Protection Protection from amounts over usual and customary charges NO protection from amounts over usual and customary charges More information will be available during open enrollment for 2011 Examples of Preventive Services are: Oral Exam (limit to 2x per year) Bitewing X-rays (not more than 2x per year) Prophylaxis (limited to 2 treatments per year) If you choose a Non-Contracted provider employee may have to file claim for reimbursement. Claims will be subject to usual & customary rates.
Dental Plan (cont.) Orthodontic Treatment Plan pays 50% after deductible $1,000 Maximum lifetime benefit Covers children up to age 19 Treatment in progress will not be covered $1,500 annual maximum benefit for other than orthodontic treatment Wellness Plus Program – If participants get 2 routine exams/cleanings per year their annual maximum benefit will increase by $100 for the following calendar year, up to a maximum of $1800. -increases to EE contributions required -Amdocs’ costs increased, but at less than market trend (8-10%). Amdocs trend (2-3% overall)
Vision Plan Options Administered by Davis Vision Davis Vision Member Services: 1-800-999-5431 Davis Vision Website: Eligibility begins date of hire Two options for coverage are available Basic Vision Plan – no cost to employee Voluntary Vision Plan – employee pays cost of plan Frequency of visits Once every 12 months (from last date of service) Plan pays for either lenses & frames or contacts once in a 12 month period Out of network coverage is available. Benefits are paid at a lesser rate -Increase in EE contributions due to increase in medical costs.
Vision Plan Options (cont.) Basic Vision Plan In-Network Benefits Services Co-pay Patient Price Eye Exam $10 $0.00 after co-pay Glasses Standard Frames -Priced up to $70 Retail -Priced above $70 Retail Fee based on cost of frame Varies by cost of frame Standard Lenses Varies by type of lens Contact Lenses Contact Lens Evaluation n/a 15% off Usual & Customary charges Conventional 20% off Usual & Customary charges Disposable/Planned Replacement 10% off Usual & Customary charges
Vision Plan Options (cont.) Voluntary Vision Plan In-Network Benefits Services Co-pay Patient Price Eye Exam $10 $0.00 after co-pay Glasses Frame Allowance n/a Up to $130 PLUS 20% discount for amount over $130 Standard Lenses $25 $0.00 Contact Lenses Contact Lens Evaluation $25.00 Conventional Up to $130 PLUS 15% discount for amount over $130 Disposable/Planned Replacement $0.00 (up to 4 boxes)
Addition Benefits Programs Life Insurance - Administered by MetLife Eligibility begins date of hire Basic (employer provided) Employee only coverage equal to 1.5x annual base salary, up to $1 million Optional (employee paid) – can elect coverage for employee, spouse or children. *Guarantee issue applies only when coverage is first offered Employee - may choose from $75,000 to $1,000,000 in additional coverage. Guaranteed issue of $300,000*. If you elect over $300,000 in additional coverage, evidence of insurability will be required. Maximum level of coverage - $1 Million. Spouse - may choose $10,000 increments up to $100,000. Guaranteed issue of $30,000*. If elect over $30,000, evidence of insurability will be required. Child(ren) - may elect $5,000 or $10,000 coverage per child age 2 weeks to 19 years (age 25 if full time student). Child coverage covers all children. The cost of employee and spousal optional life coverage will increase as the employee ages. Additional information can be found in the appendix. Rates are available at the North American HR Portal. This presentation will also be posted by end of day on Friday, October 15th for employee review. Life insurance is not part of the Healthcare Reform Act and therefore full-time student status applies for Life Insurance coverage. Age limit is 25. Please note that if your spouse also works for Amdocs you may not carry spousal Optional Life Insurance on each other. Children of Amdocs employees may only be covered by one parent for Optional Life Insurance.
Addition Benefits Programs (Cont.) Amdocs provides coverage at 1.5x your annual salary You may elect Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment (employee paid) Employee – can elect from 1 to 10x salary, up to a maximum of $2 Million Family – Employee elects from 1 to 10x salary. Spousal benefit is equal to 50% of employee election. Each child has a benefit of $10,000 (children age 2 weeks to 19 years - age 25 if full-time student) No evidence of insurability required Life insurance is not part of the Healthcare Reform Act and therefore we can enforce full-time student status for AD&D coverage. Age limit is 25! Please note that if your spouse also works for Amdocs you may not carry Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance on each other. Children of Amdocs employees may only be covered by one parent for Optional Accidental Death & Dismemberment Insurance.
Additional Benefit Programs (Cont.) Additional benefits provided by Amdocs at no cost – no enrollment required Disability – Administered by CIGNA Leave Solutions Short Term Disability – up to 26 weeks Starts on 8th calendar day of illness – 2nd day for injury related to an accident Pays 100% of base earnings for the first 11 weeks, following elimination period Pays 70% of base earnings for weeks 13 through 26 Long Term Disability – Disability that exceeds 26 weeks For employees in bands 1-3: pays 60% of base monthly earnings to a maximum benefit of $5,000 per month For employees in bands 4 & up: pays 60% of base monthly earnings to a maximum benefit of $10,000 per month Offered through Continental American Application is required! CI – may require additional medical information
Additional Benefit Programs (Cont.) Employee Assistance Program Administered by Ceridian LifeBalance® Free, confidential assistance to support you with all the issues of daily living Counseling (including addiction and recovery) Eldercare, childcare info on “how to” – lease cars, apartment listings, general tax information, etc. Financial Legal Health and Wellness Contact LifeBalance® at 1-877-510-0556 or go online to user ID: amdocs password: us Voluntary Home and Auto Discount Program Administered by MetLife May be eligible for discounts on your home or auto insurance If interested in a free, no obligation quote contact MetLife at 800-GET MET 8 (438-6388)
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Claims Administrator is Conexis Member services: 866-279-8385 Account Options: 1) Health Care FSA 2) Dependent Care FSA Enrollment for these plans will start the 1st of the month following your enrollment. Example: You enroll through Benefits Self Service on January 15th, your benefits are effective the 1st of February. Employee Contribution Amounts Minimum Maximum Health Care $240/year $5,000/year Dependent Care $240/year $5,000/year per family For EEs joining Amdocs between April 1 and September 30th – simplified underwriting
Flexible Spending Account (FSA) Health Care FSA Benefit – Eligible contributions are deducted from paycheck on pre-tax basis – placed into a separate account Eligible Expenses – Medical, dental and vision expenses not covered by existing insurance Conexis Elite Card – Can be used at point of service to pay for eligible health care expenses - no need to file paper claims for reimbursement Dependant Care FSA To Qualify – both spouses must be working full time; or 1 spouse working full-time & 1 spouse a full-time student; or single parent with primary custody Eligible Expenses – those that enable you and your spouse to work, or enable your spouse to attend school full time This includes daycare and before and after school care for children up to age 13
Flexible Spending Account Grace Period The Flexible Spending Accounts through Conexis have a grace period for the filing of previous year claims Employees will have until March 15th of the following year to use the Healthcare & Dependent care funds remaining in their current year’s account with Conexis. This grace period extends the amount of time in which eligible expenses can be reimbursed to the employee “Use it or Lose it” Feature – Employees will have until March 31st of the following year to file claims. Unused funds will not be returned to the employee and may will NOT be carried forward Eligible if enrolled with CIGNA Medical Plan OR the CIGNA Dental plan
Transit Reimbursement Account Claims Administrator is Conexis Member services: 866-279-8385 Options: Parking Plan – Maximum Monthly Reimbursement: $230.00 Parking claims must be submitted for reimbursement within 180 days of the expense Transit Plan – includes, but not limited to subway and bus fare. Does not include tolls. Transit passes MUST be ordered through Conexis’ on-line system Transit passes not purchased through on-line system will NOT be reimbursed Additional information on eligible expenses is available from Conexis Eligible if enrolled with CIGNA Medical Plan
Voluntary Benefit Programs – Continental American Critical Illness Cash benefit paid in a lump sum upon first diagnosis Covered conditions include: Heart Attack, Stroke, Cancer, Major Organ Transplant, End Stage Renal Failure and Coronary By-pass Surgery Has a wellness benefit for annual health screenings Family coverage available Accident No medical questions – guarantee issue Benefit payment based on injury Wellness benefit for annual health screenings Family coverage is available Pre-existing limitations may apply Hospital Indemnity Covers hospital admission for sickness or injury Eligible if enrolled with CIGNA Medical Plan
Retirement Savings 401(k) Plan Plan Administrator Prudential Retirement Services Eligibility Begins after receipt of first paycheck and you will be able to enroll approximately 3-5 business days after you have received it Enrollment Contact Prudential Retirement at 1-877-PRU-2100 or go on- line at to enroll or make changes Beneficiary Designation forms Located on the new hire website Participants must complete and return to the St. Louis office
Retirement Savings (401k) Plan (cont’d.) Contributions Up to 50% of your pay (subject to tax law limits) 2011 employee contribution limit is $16,500 and the employee compensation limit is $245,000 Company Matching Contribution 0.50 per dollar contributed, up to 6% of your total eligible compensation . (i.e. If you are putting in 6% or more into the Amdocs 401k plan the company will contribute 3%) Vesting – 20% per full year of employment 100% vested after 5 years of service Note: For 2011, if you have contributed to other 401(k) plans during the calendar year, you are responsible for monitoring your total annual contributions to ensure you do not exceed contribution limits.
Retirement Savings (401k) Plan (cont’d.) Catch Up Provision Must be at least 50 years of age (or will turn 50 in the calendar year) to be eligible May elect to contribute up to an additional $5,500 for 2011 Can make Catch Elections online at or by calling Prudential at 1-877-778-2100 Your catch-up contributions will rollover from year to year and will be taken at the same time as your regular employee contribution Company will not match Catch Up contributions Note: If you will not be contributing over $16,500 through the Amdocs payroll in 2011 you will not qualify for Catch up contributions under the Amdocs 401k plan. If you are eligible for Catch up you will need to make sure that you do not contribute more than $22,000 between your previous employer’s 401k plan and the Amdocs 401k for the 2011 plan year.
Retirement Savings (401k) Plan (cont’d.) Recognition of Worldwide Service with Amdocs Amdocs is recognizing world wide service with all Amdocs business groups for vesting purposes in the 401k plan. Example, an employee worked for Amdocs Israel for 2 years then transferred to Amdocs US. This employee would be 40% vested in the 401k plan. Amdocs will immediately vest an employee at 100% upon transfer to another Amdocs business group even if they do not have 5 years of service with Amdocs. As long as an employee is actively employed in any business group of Amdocs they can not take a distribution of their 401k plan or rollover the money into an IRA of their choice. This means, for example, if any employee transfers from the US BG to Israel BG their money must remain in the Amdocs 401k plan. A distribution or rollover can only be taken if the employee terminates with ALL Amdocs business groups or reaches age 59 ½.
Amdocs – Benefits Self Service What is Benefits Self Service? A tool that will allow employees to view their benefit information on-line Accessible through the Amdocs Portal or through Webgate Will eliminate the need to complete paper forms to enroll or make changes to benefit choices What can employees do in Benefits Self Service? Allows employees to View their current benefit choices at any time Make updates during open enrollment Make updates if you have a qualifying event Examples are marriage divorce birth of a child change of employment status for spouse
Accessing Instructional Manuals for Benefits Self Service Complete Instructional manuals are available through the Portal or through Webgate on the US Benefits website under Human Resources Steps to take to get to Benefits Self Service Instructional manuals Visit North American Human Resources Select “Benefits United States and Canada” Select “United States Benefits” Select “Benefits Self Service Info” Review “New Hire Manual” Portal User section is for employees at Amdocs sites Webgate User section is for employees logging in through: Web-Based Services or VPN Access
To Access Benefits Self Service Through Portal Employee Self Service Instructional Manuals: Human Resources North America Employee Self Service
To Access Benefits Self Service Through Webgate Instructional Manuals: Human Resources USA Human Resources North America Employee Self Service
How Do I Access Benefits Self Service? To update dependents under your profile My Personal Details Benefits for US
Questions? Thank you for your time! Please go to Employee Self Service (https://selfservice/) to enroll in the Amdocs Benefit Plans. Remember you must enter the SSN for any dependants that are covered under the Amdocs Medical Plans. St. Louis Benefits Department Email: Toll Free: 1-866-406-8003 Fax: 314-212-8359
Rates are based on pre-tax deductions taken each pay period. Appendix - 2011 Rates Rates are based on pre-tax deductions taken each pay period. Plan Option 2011 Rate CIGNA POS Plan Employee Only $35.00 Employee + 1 $70.74 Employee + Family $110.00 CIGNA PPO Plan $57.50 $125.00 $197.50 CIGNA Dental Plan $3.00 $6.50 $10.50 Basic Vision Plan $0.00 Voluntary Vision Plan $3.13 $5.63 $8.75
Appendix - 2011 Domestic Partner Rates Coverage CIGNA POS CIGNA PPO CIGNA High PPO CIGNA Dental Voluntary Vision Pre-tax Post-tax Employee and Domestic Partner or Domestic Partner child 35.74 35.00 67.50 57.50 37.50 32.50 3.50 3.00 2.50 3.13 Employee + Domestic Partner and 1 Domestic Partner child 40.00 70.00 82.50 115.00 50.00 65.00 4.50 6.00 2.49 6.26 Employee + Domestic Partner and 2 Domestic Partner Children 5.00 105.00 25.00 172.50 17.50 97.50 1.50 9.00 0.00 8.75 Employee + Domestic Partner and 3 or more Domestic Partner Children 110.00 197.50 10.50 Employee + 1 and Domestic Partner or Domestic Partner child 75.00 140.00 7.50 5.62 Employee + 1 and Domestic Partner and 1 Domestic Partner Child Employee + 1 and Domestic Partner and 2 Domestic Partner Children Employee + 1 and Domestic Partner and 3 Domestic Partner Children or more Employee + Family and Domestic Partner or Domestic Partner child(ren) Employee + Family and Domestic Partner and 1 Domestic Partner child Employee + Family and Domestic Partner and 2 Domestic Partner children Employee + Family and Domestic Partner and 3 Domestic Partner children or more
Appendix - Optional Life Insurance Optional Life Insurances rates for both Employee and Spouse will increase as the employee crosses into the next age band in the chart. The increase will take effect as of January 1st of the following calendar year after crossing into the next age band , or if a qualifying event occurs prior to January 1st. Examples of a qualifying event would include a salary change, marriage, divorce, or birth of a child. In which case, the increase would take effect as of the date of the qualifying event. The Optional Life Insurance offered through MetLife is a Term Life Policy. Term life insurance, as an employee benefit ,works differently than in the individual life insurance market. In the individual market a person will pay premium for a set term and at the end of the term the insurance typically goes away. In the group world, the "term" would be as long as the employee is employed at this employer and is electing to pay premium. Since the rates are presented in 5 year age bands, the premium increases as a person ages. Rates per $1000 of coverage Rates based on employee’s date of birth Divide by 2 to get cost each paycheck Child coverage is $1.00 per month for each $5,000 of coverage Age Rate < 30 0.06 30 to 34 0.07 35 to 39 0.11 40 to 44 0.17 40 to 49 0.27 50 to 54 0.44 54 to 59 0.72 60 to 64 0.95 65 to 69 1.47 70 + 2.63
Appendix – Optional AD&D Rates Rates per $1000 of coverage Divide by 2 to get per paycheck amount Coverage Rate Employee Only 0.023 per $1000 of coverage elected Family 0.038 per $1000 of coverage elected
Appendix – Voluntary Plan Rates Rates based on each pay period Coverage Rate Critical Illness Based on age and amount of coverage Accident Employee Emp + Spouse Emp + Child(ren) Family $6.48 $9.97 $13.46 $16.94 Hospital Indemnity $15.30 $31.57 $21.06 $37.31