VCA Lunch and Learn: Registering Candidates, Adding VCA Donors, Making Organ Offers, and Removing Candidates July 1, 2014 Wida Cherikh, Ph.D. Sr. Biostatistician/Team Leader UNOS Research Department
Abbreviations: OC = Organ Center TXC = Transplant Center OPO = Organ Procurement Organization
Registering a VCA Candidate
Viewing VCA Candidate List
Adding a VCA donor in DonorNet ®
Making Organ Offers
Removing a VCA Candidate --- process continues ---
Contact Information For any questions regarding how to register a VCA candidate and the wait list and allocation process, or to obtain VCA worksheets, please contact: UNOS Organ Center (800)
Contact Information for Other VCA Matters Cliff McClenney: Regions 3, 11 (804) Betsy Gans: Regions 2, 6, 8 (804) Chrystal Oley-Graybill: Regions 5, 7, 10 (804) Shannon Edwards: Regions 1, 4, 9 (804)