1 LEAP, iLEAP, LAA 2, ACT STC Testing Inservice February 12-13, 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

1 LEAP, iLEAP, LAA 2, ACT STC Testing Inservice February 12-13, 2014

TODAY’S OBJECTIVE To understand elements of LEAP, iLEAP, and LAA 2 test administration, including: key dates design administration reporting resources Louisiana Believes

Contact Information – Testing Krewe 3 Louisiana Believes Accommodations Chip Farman - Special Ed. Compliance Specialist Accountability Karen Herndon – Director of Testing Testing Procedures and Materials Harriet Hillson – State Testing Specialist Parent Questions Emma Vidacovich – Testing Technician Fax Emergencies during testing –

Testing Times 4 Louisiana Believes Is a daily publication Contains step by step directions and reminders for the day. Delivered daily via to principals, assistant principals, school test coordinators, and monitors.. Posted on the jpschools.org website on the Testing department page in the downloads section


Transitional ELA 6 Louisiana Believes Assessment Guidance Test Specifications, Structure, Content Assessed English language arts Measures CCSS iLEAP ELA no longer uses Iowa component = not timed iLEAP ELA Reading and Responding is now two sessions LEAP (Phase 1) Writing (Phase 2) Reading, Research, and Language iLEAP (Day 2) Writing, Research, and Language (Day 3) Reading, two sessions Overall testing time either remains the same or has increased by a maximum of 30 minutes, depending upon grade level

Transitional Math 7 Louisiana Believes Mathematics Measures CCSS Updated Math Reference Sheets with some grades changing color from previous years No change for rulers Grades 3-5 use 12” ruler Grades 6-8 use 6” ruler Protractor for grade 4 only GEE still uses protractor Overall testing time has changed from last year. (-50 minutes to +5 minutes, depending upon grade level)

Science & Social Studies 8 Louisiana Believes Science and Social Studies Task items that were field tested last year are now included Tasks are based on several stimulus materials. Students are asked to synthesize their content knowledge with the information provided to answer multiple-choice items and an extended-response item. Sample tasks items are available in PASS –



LEAP Phase 1 Materials Receipt, Returns, and Testing Schedule  All materials arrive: February 26–27  Materials delivered to schools the week of March 9, 2014  Electronic security checklists for Phase 1 answer documents posted to LEAPweb: February 27  Test administration: March 18  Makeup testing: March 19–20  Phase 1 returns: March 18 and 20

LEAP Phase 1 Tests Grades 4 and 8  English Language Arts (Writing)  Mathematics (Constructed Response)

LEAP Phase 1 Testing Reminders  Item numbers in Phase 1 for Mathematics do not start at 1.  Only answer documents and Rough Draft booklets are used for standard-print materials in Phase 1.  Large-print test booklets are combined by content-area pair, and the large-print Writing Rough Draft pages provided with the large-print booklets must be returned with secure materials.  Braille test booklets are combined by content-area pair.  All large-print and braille responses must be transferred to a scorable answer document according to instructions provided.

LEAP Phase 1 Preidentified Answer Documents Phase 1 answer documents:  All LEAP testers receive one answer document (ELA/Math).  A unique spine bar is placed on every document. The label box is preprinted with the following information: first and last name, gender, DOB, bar code, precode number, district and school names and codes, and last four digits of SSN/state ID number.

LEAP Phase 1 Preidentified Answer Documents (continued)  Preidentified answer documents still require hand coding for education classification, exceptionalities, and accommodations students actually received in testing.  Bar-code labels must NOT be placed over the preprinted student information.  Errors in preprinted student information must not be corrected. Test administrators should report errors in preprinted information to the School Test Coordinator, who must report errors to the Student Information System (SIS) coordinator for correction in the SIS database.

Bar-code Labels  Only hand-coded answer documents require bar-code labels.  School personnel must not affix bar-code labels to answer documents for approved home study program or LEAP (999) nonpublic school students.  To link Phase 1 and Phase 2 LEAP scores for reporting, hand coding in fields E, I, and J must be complete and must match exactly on all answer documents for a student.  A used hand-coded answer document returned to DRC without a bar- code label may not be scored in a timely manner.  Keep all unused labels (bar-code and return labels) received in Phase 1 delivery for use in Phase 2 testing. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL │ ││││││││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ L Pelican Parish 002 Egret Elementary School LEAP SPR 2014 BAR-CODE LABEL

Hand Coding LEAP Phase 1 Documents  Errors in hand-coded information require records to be manually merged to provide students with complete content-area scores!  It is IMPERATIVE that the following demographic information be hand coded completely (no blanks) and match exactly on all answer documents for a student to create accurate student results:  Date of Birth (field E)  First Name (field I)  Last Name (field I)  Social Security Number/State ID Number (field J)

LEAP Phase 1 Materials Retained for Phase 2 (STC) The School Test Coordinator should retain the following materials for use in Phase 2 testing:  Student/label rosters  Unused resealable plastic bags for approved home study program students’ answer documents  Unused LEAP bar-code labels  Unused DRC return labels (green and white)  Unused DRC return bags  Return envelopes for district office items  Test Coordinators Manual and LEAP Test Administration Manuals  Unmarked LEAP Mathematics Reference Sheets  Unmarked LEAP rulers (6” and 12”)  Protractors (grade 4)

LEAP PHASE 2 Preidentified Labels APRIL 2014

LEAP Phase 2 Preidentified Labels Overview  To decrease the number of manual merges, LEAP Phase 2 preidentified labels will again be provided for students whose hand-coded Phase 1 answer documents were completed for at least two of the following demographic fields:  Date of Birth  First Name  Last Name  Social Security Number  The pink Phase 2 preidentified labels will be sent to the districts for arrival on Thursday, April 3. Labels can be picked up from the warehouse Friday, April 4.  Use of the preidentified labels will help ensure that the LEAP Phase 1 and Phase 2 scores are merged within a content area.

LEAP Phase 2 Preidentified Labels  Pink LEAP Phase 2 preidentified labels will be provided for students who tested on LEAP Phase 1 hand-coded documents.  Demographic information hand coded on the Phase 1 answer document will appear on the Phase 2 preidentified label ALIGN TOP OF LABEL BIERBAUM, LORI GRADE: 4 GENDER: F DOB:01/01/2003 STATE ID: XXXXX9999 PHASE 1 AD SEC.#: │ ││││││││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ P Pelican Parish 002 Egret Elementary School LEAP SPR 2014 If First Name or Last Name was left blank on the Phase 1 answer document, the First Name or Last Name will not appear on the Phase 2 preidentified label. If DOB or SSN was only partially coded or left blank on the Phase 1 answer document, those blanks will be replaced with dashes (-).  The last eight digits of the Phase 1 answer document security number and the district and school information will also appear on Phase 2 preidentified labels.

LEAP Phase 2 Preidentified Labels How To Use  Before a preidentified label is affixed to a student’s LEAP Phase 2 answer document, the information on the label should be reviewed to ensure the label belongs to a particular student.  There may be as few as two demographics on a student’s Phase 2 preidentified label. If necessary, verify that the student’s Phase 1 answer document security number, found on the label, matches the security number on the Phase 1 security checklist.  After verifying the information, the preidentified label should be affixed to the lower-left corner of the answer document.

LEAP Phase 2 Preidentified Labels How To Use (continued)  Do not correct errors on LEAP Phase 2 preidentified labels.  Information printed on a preidentified label is pulled directly from the hand-coded information on the student’s Phase 1 answer document.  Errors can be corrected later in LEAPweb.  Answer documents with LEAP Phase 2 preidentified labels must be coded according to the directions for preidentified answer documents in the LEAP Test Administration Manual.  LEAP Phase 2 preidentified labels must be affixed to answer documents for students who are not testing, and an accountability code (if applicable) should be hand coded on page 2 of the answer documents.

LEAP Phase 2 Preidentified Labels Not Received  Reasons why a LEAP Phase 2 preidentified label may not have been received:  A student’s LEAP Phase 1 answer document demographic information contained too little information or more than two of the four demographic fields were left blank.  A student’s LEAP Phase 1 answer document was not received and processed at DRC by the morning of April 1.  The student enrolled in a school after Phase 1 testing.  The student did not test during Phase 1. NOTE: If the demographic information does not match exactly across both phases, students may have multiple records reported, and a Phase 1/Phase 2 merge request must be submitted to DRC in order for a student to receive a complete score for each content area.

Using Nonpreidentified Bar-code Labels in Phase 2  If a school does not receive a LEAP Phase 2 preidentified label for a student whose Phase 1 answer document was hand coded, the School Test Coordinator should contact the Harriet Hillson, who will contact LDOE to obtain the Phase 1 demographic information for the student (if it is available).  If a student does not receive a preidentified label or a preidentified answer document for Phase 2 testing, a bar-code label (nonpreidentified) must be affixed to the Phase 2 answer document, and the document must be hand coded according to the instructions in the LEAP Test Administration Manual.


LEAP Phase 2 Tests Grades 4 and 8  English Language Arts (Multiple Choice and Constructed Response)  Mathematics (Multiple Choice)  Science (Multiple Choice, Constructed Response, and Science Task)  Social Studies (Multiple Choice, Constructed Response, and Social Studies Task)  Standard print test booklets include all four content areas; one test booklet per grade

iLEAP Tests Grades 3, 5, 6, and 7  Math (Multiple Choice and Constructed Response)  English Language Arts (Writing Prompt, Multiple Choice, and Constructed Response)  Science (Multiple Choice and Constructed-response Task)  Social Studies (Multiple Choice and Constructed-response Task)  Standard print test booklets include all four content areas; one test booklet per grade NOTE: No NRT reports will be provided; this includes Student Reports and Student Labels.

LAA 2 Tests Grades 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, and 10  English Language Arts  Mathematics Grades 4, 8, and 11  Science  Social Studies Reminders  Automatic rescores for graduating seniors do not occur for LAA 2. DRC will waive the rescore fee for graduating seniors, but the student must meet the rescore criteria and be identified on the rescore request form as a graduating senior. Crossover Schedule If students are testing in LAA 2 and in one or more content areas in LEAP or iLEAP, refer to the crossover schedule in the LAA 2 Test Administration Manual appendix. LAA 2/GEE Retesters Students who need to retest in both LAA 2 and GEE must take GEE content area tests during the GEE March 2014 Retest and must take the LAA 2 content area tests on the scheduled testing days in April. No exceptions to this schedule.

April Administration Key Dates  LEAP, iLEAP, and LAA 2 materials arrive: March 18–20  Boxes marked with program labels LEAP: apple green iLEAP: yellow LAA 2: pink

April Administration Key Dates (continued)  Electronic security checklists for LEAP Phase 2, iLEAP, and LAA 2 answer documents posted to LEAPweb: March 20  LEAP and iLEAP Test Administration: April 7–10  LEAP and iLEAP Makeup Testing: April 11, 14–15  LAA 2 Test Administration: April 7–11  LAA 2 Makeup Testing: April 10–11, 14-15

STC Forms  Void Notification for School Test Coordinators  One form for LEAP, iLEAP, and LAA 2  Located in Test Coordinators Manual  Request for Merging Scores (applies to a merge within the same content area, not LEAP Phase 1/Phase 2 merge)  Contact Harriet Hillson if you need this form  LEAP Phase 2  iLEAP and LAA 2  Rescore Request (form located in Test Coordinators Manual)  Rescore deadline is May 23, 2014, in order to receive results prior to summer testing.  Rescore deadline is June 16, Results will not be received prior to summer testing.  LEAP  LAA 2 – Grades 10 and 11

Preidentified Answer Documents  One answer document for LEAP Phase 2 testing  One answer document:  iLEAP  LAA 2  The label box is preprinted with the following information: first and last name, gender, DOB, bar code, precode number, district and school names and codes, and last four digits of SSN/State ID number.

Preidentified Answer Documents  Preidentified answer documents still require hand coding for education classification, exceptionalities, and accommodations students actually received in testing.  Bar-code labels must NOT be placed over the preprinted student information.  Errors in preprinted student information must not be corrected. Test administrators should report errors in preprinted information to the School Test Coordinator, who must report errors to the Student Information System (SIS) coordinator for correction in the SIS database.

Bar-code Labels (LEAP, iLEAP, and LAA 2)  School personnel must not affix bar-code labels to answer documents for LEAP and iLEAP approved home study program or LEAP (999) nonpublic school students.  To link Phase 1 and Phase 2 LEAP scores for reporting, hand coding in fields E, I, and J must be complete and must match exactly on all answer documents for a student.  Unused LEAP bar-code labels received in the Phase 1 materials shipment should be used for LEAP Phase 2 answer documents unless students have pink Phase 2 preidentified labels.  Hand-coded answer documents require bar-code labels.  Bar-code labels are program specific (LEAP, iLEAP, or LAA 2). The testing program and administration appear at the bottom of the bar-code label. ALIGN TOP OF LABEL │ ││││││││││││││││ │││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ ││││││││││││ L Pelican Parish 002 Egret Elementary School LAA 2 SPR 2014 BAR-CODE LABEL

LEAP Phase 1 Testers During Phase 2  Must be approved by LDOE after consideration of appropriate documentation.  Testing must take place during the makeup period of the Phase 2 administration in April.  Must fit one of the following extenuating circumstances:  Illness, with absence inclusive of all testing and makeup dates. Request must be accompanied by doctor’s letter.  Transfer/New Student who enrolled after March 20, 2014, and did not test March 18–20 in another Louisiana public school.  Appropriate documentation must be sent to LDOE for permission to be granted. DRC will not send LEAP Phase 1 materials to the district without approval from LDOE.  LEAP Phase 1 materials requests must be placed by April 9,  LEAP Phase 1 materials must be returned to DRC return 4 on April 15 and must be boxed separately from Phase 2 materials.

Unscorable Document Labels (affixed by District Test Coordinator)  Unscorable document labels are program specific.  Use if an answer document was  torn or damaged  for another student  marked with ink, highlighters, markers, or crayon LEAP/GEE SPR 2010 UNSCORABLE  Unscorable answer documents must not be thrown away.  Any student responses must be transferred to a hand-coded answer document to be scored.  Documentation about the incident should be kept by the School Test Coordinator.

Home Study Program and LEAP Nonpublic School Students  Approved home study program documents  Contain all four content areas: LEAP (both phases) and iLEAP  Home study plastic bag provided to schools for return to DTC  DTC affixes bar-code labels with site code 998  LEAP nonpublic school documents (both phases)  Nonpublic school students are only allowed to take ELA and math.  Nonpublic plastic bags provided to the district for return to DRC  DTC affixes bar-code labels with site code 999  All LEAP home study and LEAP nonpublic plastic bags are provided with Phase 1 test materials. Plastic bags should be saved for use during Phase 2 testing.  Registration window is February 17 – March 14,  Registration form will be posted on the Testing website.  Fax registration forms only to

Homebound Students  Homebound students are enrolled at your school.  Homebound students are tested by the homebound teachers.  Homebound teachers are to attend a testing inservice at one of their schools.  The homebound teachers check out the test materials from the school where the student is enrolled.  The test materials are returned at the end of each testing day.  Materials may be returned to another school if the home school is closed.  Homebound students test materials are returned with the school’s test materials.

Straggler Answer Documents  These are answer documents that are incorrectly packaged or received by DRC after the cutoff date.  DRC’s procedures for handling straggler documents:  Documents will be scanned and scored at a later date.  Documents will not appear on the used answer document report but may appear on the missing materials report.  A score memo will be released with the student’s score and the student’s Web history will be updated. For LEAP students, the score memo may be only a partial score, depending on whether one or both Phase 1 and Phase 2 student answer documents arrived late. Districts must submit a merge request. Merged scores will not be reflected in LEAPweb.  No student labels will be sent, and scores will not appear online in the CSV files or the assessment summary reports.

LEAP and LAA 2 Rescores  Friday, May 16, is the proposed date for release of LEAP and LAA 2 results.  A rescore request must be submitted for LAA 2 graduating seniors. These students will not be assessed a rescore fee.  To receive rescoring results BEFORE summer testing, DRC must receive the rescore request by May 23. There are no exceptions to this deadline. For requests received by May 23, DRC will provide a score memo by June 3.  All requests received after May 23 will be processed within 2– 3 weeks.  The final deadline for submitting rescore requests is June 16.  Must fax rescore requests. Requests mailed after June 9 may not be processed, if not received at DRC by June 16.

Reminders: Managing Materials  Security checklists must be used to track materials.  Useful in verifying the information on the Phase 2 preidentified labels  Include Rough Draft booklets, which have security numbers  Security  On the security checklists, School Test Coordinators should add student names next to security numbers to identify the materials each student used in testing. When calling DRC with score inquiries or submitting requests to merge scores or locate documents, the security number must be supplied.  Labels or materials cannot be taken from one school and given to another.

Reminders: Large-print and Braille Materials  Large-print test booklets are combined by content-area pair.  The number of volumes of braille booklets varies.  Student responses from all LEAP and iLEAP large-print, braille, and other accommodated-format materials must be transferred to scorable answer documents.  Reminder stickers about transferring responses have been placed on all large-print and braille booklets.  Security checklists should be used to monitor which booklets require transferred answers.  Large-print Writing Rough Draft pages are provided with the large-print booklets and must be returned with secure materials.  Braille Test Administration Instructions are considered secure and must be returned to DRC.

General Reminders  TA numbers must be entered February 26–April 16 by using LEAPweb.  Administrative error fe e  $350 per content area. Fee must be paid in full before materials will be provided.  Applies to LEAP English Language Arts and Mathematics tests and LAA 2 Grades 10 and 11 tests.  Search and score fees  $100 to search and $100 per subject to score each content area for documents that are returned without a label or returned inside a test booklet.  FERPA  To maintain student confidentiality, any personal student information such as first and last name, SSN, and DOB must be relayed via an encrypted file in an , fax, or phone conversation.

School NameGrade Level(s) Alice Birney Elementary3, 5 Ellender Middle School6, 7 Gretna Middle School6, 7 Harahan Elementary3, 5 Hazel Park Elementary3 Phoebe Hearst Elementary3, 5 Jefferson Elementary3 Livaudais Middle6 Marie Riviere Elementary3, 5 Schneckenburger Elementary3 Catherine Strehle Elementary5 Miller Wall Elementary3, 5 Woodland West Elementary5 Woodmere Elementary5 iLEAP FAST TRACK

School NameGrade Level(s) John Q. Adams8 Gretna Middle School8 Harahan Elementary4 Hazel Park Elementary4 Phoebe Hearst Elementary4 Marie Riviere Elementary4 Schneckenburger Elementary 4 Miller Wall Elementary4 Woodmere Elementary4 C.T. Janet Elementary4 LEAP FAST TRACK

General Packing Instructions  Use the provided DRC return bags and plastic ties in boxes containing scorable materials.  The boxes used to deliver testing materials and the additional boxes included in the district shipment should be used when returning materials.  Materials must be separated by testing program and the correct program-specific DRC return labels must be affixed to flap A.  More specific packing instructions will be included in the Testing Times.

ACT  Window to conduct pretest sessions with students  March 18 testing - Now – March 14  April 1 testing – March

ACT  Answer Document Supplement  Student transfers ○ Enrolls during testing, began testing at another school, or is too late to start testing Do not submit an answer document ○ No barcode Manually grid SASID number in Block U - Do not use the student’s SSN - Contact Harriet Hillson for number

ACT  Answer Document Supplement  Student transfers Drops during testing or before the pretest session and had not started testing - Do not submit an answer document - Discard the barcode label  Block C – SSN  Accountability Coding  Will be done during spring on EOC system

ACT  Answer Document Supplement  Block I – Present Grade ○ Pre-gridded with Grade 11 for all students – including Grade 12 ○ To indicate Grade 12 Grid “A” in Column 2 of Block V on the back page of the answer document

ACT  Answer Document Supplement  Block K – High School Code ○ Only code if not the student’s home school  Block S – Local Student ID Number ○ Do not enter a SASID number


Types of Merges  Merge Within a Content Area  For a student who responded to portions of a single content area on two different answer documents.  Request Merging Scores forms from Harriet Hillson.  LEAP Phase 1/Phase 2 Merge  A manual merge completed by DRC to combine a student’s LEAP Phase 1 and Phase 2 scores so the student has one complete score within a content area

LEAP Phase 1/Phase 2 Merge Request Process After LEAP scores are released, if a student has records that require a Phase 1/Phase 2 merge, follow the steps below. 1. Print copies of the student’s multiple reports for one content-area test (the unmatched student reports). 2. Indicate which of the reports will be the primary record by writing “primary” on the top of the student report.  The demographic information on the primary record will override the secondary record’s demographics and be used on the score memo that contains the merged score. 3. Fax to copies of the student reports that require the merge.

LEAP Phase 1/Phase 2 Merge Procedures  After receiving the designated primary and secondary student reports from a district, DRC will merge the student’s records and send a score memo to the district.  The testing department will send the score memo to the school.

DRC eDirect

DRC eDirect 58

DRC eDirect 59

DRC eDirect 60 Fax requests to

General Administrative Rules 61 Refer to the District/School Test Coordinator Manual (TCM) and Test Administrator Manual (TAM) for detailed guidance on test administration procedures Transfer Students (p. 78 TCM) Louisiana residents Out-of-state students Non-public & Home Study Students (p. 79 TCM) LAA 2 Crossover testing schedule (p LAA2 TAM) Louisiana Believes


Projected Release Dates Summer LEAP, GEE, & LAA 2 Student Report Release Projected August 6, 2014 Division of Assessments and Accountability Test Administration Online Reports via LEAPweb Hardcopy Report School RosterRemediationCSV Student ReportPerformanceSummary Student Label Spring GEE No Report 4/28/14 No Report 5/13/14 Spring ELDA4/28/14No Report4/28/14 No Report7/17/145/13/14 Spring LAA 14/28/14No Report4/28/14 No Report7/17/145/13/14 Spring LEAP5/16/14 7/17/14 6/3/14 Spring iLEAP5/16/14No Report5/16/14 7/17/14 6/3/14 Spring LAA 25/16/14No Report5/16/14 No Report7/17/146/3/14 Louisiana Believes


Transition Policies 65 Louisiana Believes

Transition Policies 66


68 Practice Tests Assessment Guidance Achievement Level Descriptors Interpretive Guides Technical Reports EAGLE Supporting Resources Louisiana Believes

Annual Assessments

Alternate Assessments


Where to Access this Presentation 72 Louisiana Believes Go to: jpschools.org Departments Testing Downloads

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