MSW = Maritime Single Window EU issued Directive 2010/65 EU countries must implement an MSW = Maritime Single Window MSW must be in operation latest June 2015 Relevant data covered by IMO FAL messages 1-7 (IMO FAL Compendium) Countries will develop an NSW = National Single Window which will connect to MSW
MSW WCO (world customs organization) developed a datamodel (framework) for transmission of all data in XML or Edifact form. This datamodel MUST be used to feed the relevant data into the NSW and MSW. Most PCS will comply with the requirements If connected to PCS the port users do not have to change and can continue to use the existing messages
MSW The PCS systems will feed the NSW The NSW will feed the MSW Reporting only once principle Authorities will get all relevant data from the MSW and are not allowed to ask port users
2010/65 has been transposed to Dutch law in April 2012 (different Regulations for different Authorities); The Regulation concerned for Port Authorities cover: o Reporting formalities deepsea shipping (Arrival/Departure, HAZMAT, Waste, Security, PSC, request pilot services); o International exchange of reported data (SSN, RIS, LRIT); and o Changes to other Regulations and transfer provisions. The implementation of the MSW in NL was based on 2010/65 (Annex A & B only), but MSW is gradually being ‘undressed’; o Reporting to Customs is excluded; o No storage of data, and validations in systems behind MSW. Recently, scope of this ‘undressed’ MSW is extended to accommodate additional reporting to Customs. Legal framework (Dutch situation)
MSW project started Q4 2012; Several teams (design, PM, PCS-MSW interface, stakeholder management) work parallel; Project started under national governance (RWS/Customs); In the last 9 months, ambitions have been reset; o MSW as a service-hatch, with little or no services. Technical development waits for release of the MIGs (4); Expected operational (in phases): June 2015 – Nov 2015 for reporting to SSN & Immigration, and from Nov – June 2016 for reporting to Customs; o RWS: “From June 2015 reporting parties connect to MSW, with due regard to the eventual transition period, as agreed with the authorities concerned”. MSW implementation project
Reporting chain configuration Subset: Extended scope As requested by Customs
Impact analysis of MSW scope extension on PCS; To appoint an operator for MSW; Agreement on use of reference data in MSW ‘reporting chain’; Planning of chain-tests; Formal acceptance of PCS being part of the reporting chain; How to check compliance of the Dutch solution with Directive 2010/65. Issues to be resolved