Student Information Webinar January 2015
Agenda ACT—Alabama Technical Readiness Webinars Schedule (brief) Status Update on Mountain Brook requested INow Enhancements (brief) Recent Report Card Issue Request for Change in Default Value for Tardies What’s in the February INow Release Kindergarten Pre-Enrollment and other Online Enrollment Issues and Concerns (Preview of new screens) – There will be a later webinar to discuss who is responsible for what. Brief Introduction to new Data Governance Policy and Forms.
Actual Links Webinar 1: php?MTID=tcd4caab67e63b52a9645fe4908fcf0fb Webinar 2: php?MTID=t55701f300c f61700d3bdf Webinar 3: php?MTID=t0459be1893a d5ba7553ba43e5 Webinar 4: php?MTID=tbefb75496a54fc4a7dcb8ccee
Mountain Brook Requested Enhancements Status Update
Student Social Security Numbers removed as a required field. – We would like to request that student Social Security Number not be required to enroll a student in iNOW. (See attached memo from Dr. Tommy Bice dated June 26, 2014.) – Currently the student Social Security Number is a required field in iNOW. In Alabama, we no longer request a Social Security Number for enrollment. – District Registrar has a process to create a number for a student but this can result in problems when matching with other programs using the SSN. [DH] This change would need to come from ALSDE. You may want to run this by AJ to see if there are any plans to remove the SSN field as “required”. To my knowledge there are still instances where Special Education needs SS#s
Class rosters and Grade Book, printed and on the screen, have the option added to show Students’ preferred names. [DH] (C35203) – Currently not scheduled
Request for greater connectivity between iNOW and SETS student demographic information with ASPIRE (sent request for more information to Casey Lancaster but have not received a reply). [DH] Customer is checking with school contact to gather addt’l info
Under Transcripts, request to add the ability to select GPA methods to be shown and/or printed on the transcript. [DH] / (C35029) – Target Release: Summer 2015
In Query, Course/Sections, request the following options be added: Course Enrollment count per section, GPA method; including Weighted, and Unweighted DH] (C32611) – Summer 2015 Release
When using Reports, Student Schedule listing and Student Schedule Reports, add the option to select contact type (Guardian, Emergency, Primary Family and Extended Family, Can Pick Up Student). DH] (C34577) – Summer 2015 Release
SETS Issue: Contact s be added We would like to request that the Student’s Contact address be included in the Student’s Contact Information in SETS. Currently the Student Contact information includes the contact name, contact type, home address and home phone. [DH] – New change request (No CR # yet).
Recent Issue with Report Cards
Request for Change: The high school requests that we change the default for tardies from excused to unexcused. Rationale: On average the high school has 35 students that check in each morning and 90%-95% of these check ins are Tardy--Unexcused. For example, on the morning this was sent, Rene checked in 45 students before 8:30 and only 4 were excused so each time she entered a check-in she had to scroll down to the last reason code and manually change the code from Tardy-Excused to Tardy--Unexcused. This adds an additional step to the process at a time of the day when attendance quiet chaotic anyway. Monday through Thursday they average about 250 check-ins and check- outs during the day and the average increases to about 300 on Fridays. Once again, 90% - 95% are Tardy--Unexcused and adding the additional step to the busyness of each day.
What’s New in February Release?