The website is !st time to log into this program, click YES
If you were registered as an official for the school year, click YES otherwise click NO.
Enter your SSN and press Enter.
NOTICE the number in the upper right. That is your ID number. Complete any required fields ( pass word, , DOB, etc) or correct information in the form and “Submit Form” at the bottom of the page. If you had clicked NO, you would have received a blank form. The remainder of the registration will ask you to provide references, the sport you are registering for, and the Association. You will only register in one association and the state online (primary association) even though you may register in a secondary association.
You are almost finished! Follow the information on the next page. You will now enter references and questions about your background
After you have register and have been accepted by the local association, you must pay your registration dues (local and state) to the local assigner. Once the MHSAA has processed your application, you will be sent an , giving new official an ID number. You may now login and take the clinic and registration test of 50 questions. Once you start the test, you have 2 hours to complete it. You must make 80 on the registration test to officiate. After completing the clinic, you may the test at a later time. You will take a certification test later in the year. The certification test is used for your rating. You will be given one hour to complete the 50 question for this test.
After you have registered, accepted by the local association and the State, you may login, take the clinic and registration test. Click “Log into Members Area.
Part II
After receiving your official number by , you may log in. Enter your official number and the Password that you entered when you registered.
If you want to register in another sport/association, just click on the link “Join Another Sport/Association” and all you have to do is select the sport and association.
You have registered for another sport and association. You must be accepted by the new Local and State before you can take the clinic and test for this sport. Click on the main menu or logout.