The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:1-11 I.The Facts  The guarded tomb was empty  Jesus appears after His resurrection  Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9-11  Other women.


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Presentation transcript:

The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:1-11 I.The Facts  The guarded tomb was empty  Jesus appears after His resurrection  Mary Magdalene Mark 16:9-11  Other women at the tomb Matthew 28:8-10  Peter in Jerusalem Luke 24:34

The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:1-11  Two travelers on the road Mark16:12-13  Ten disciples behind closed doors Luke24:36-43  All eleven disciples Mark 16:14  Seven disciples while fishing John 21:1-14  Eleven disciples on the mountain Mark 16:15-18  A crowd of Cor. 15:6  Jesus’ brother James 1 Cor. 15:7  Those who watched the ascension Mark 16:19-20

The Empty Tomb Matthew 28 :1-11 II.The Four Commands  Come - the tomb is an open invitation  The place itself ….. a graveyard  Fear of Rome ….. authorities accusations  This is sacred ground …. A holy place  Their own safety was in question  But THEY RECOGNIZED THE VOICE OF GOD  And THEY OBEYED HIS VOICE

The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:1-11  See – the tomb helps to recognize  The humility of Christ  The horror of our sin  The mortality of our physical bodies  Look and see that Jesus is NOT there  We will rise just as Jesus did

The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:1-11  Go – take the truth of the empty tomb  We might be tempted to remain there  The tomb demands we go – Matthew 28:19-20  Tell – the tomb compels us to speak III.The Falsehoods of the Tomb  Until this day

The Empty Tomb Matthew 28:1-11 Results of an Empty Tomb The empty tomb is….. A historical fact A historical fact Validates all of Jesus’ teachings Validates all of Jesus’ teachings Gives believers hope for the future Gives believers hope for the future Takes away all our fears Takes away all our fears Gives believers power Gives believers power