Funerary Evidence
Herculaneum and Nocera gates
Cremations –Blue Vase
Elite tombs
Honors Land controlled by ordo Highest honor= gift of land and money for tomb
Excedra Tomb
Excedra tomb
Tomb of Asquillia Polla
Numerius Herennius Celsus Son of Numerius, of the Menenian tribe, duumvir with judicial power for the second time, praefectus fabrum, dedicates this to his wife Aesquillia Polla, daughter of Gaius. She lived 22 years. The burial place was given publicly by decree of the town councillors.
Priestess Mamia To Mamia daughter of Publius, public priestess, a burial place was given by decree of the town councillors
Titus Terentius Felix (aedile)
Menenian tribe ( Pompeii voting group during the Republic) To Titus Terentius Felix, senior, son of Titus, of the tribe Menenenia, aedile. The site [of this monument] was presented to him by the city together with the sum of 2000 sesterces. It was erected by his wife, Fabia Sabina, daughter of Probus.
Eumachia Nocera gate tomb built at her own expense
Tomb of Vestorius Priscus aedile (Vesuvius gate)
Gladiatorial combat
Freedmen and Women
Tomb of Publius Vesonius Phileros
Publius Vesonius Phileros, freedman of a woman, {Augustalis}, built this monument for himself and his family while they were still alive, and for his patron, Vesonia, daughter of Publius, and for his friend Marcus Orfellius Faustus
Trouble Stranger, if it’s not too much trouble, delay for a while and you’ll discover what you should avoid. This man who I thought was my friend produced informers against me, and a lawsuit was begun. I thank the gods and my innocence that I am free from all that trouble. I hope that neither the household gods nor the gods of the underworld receive the man who lied about our dealings.
Marcus Cerrinus Restituts, Augustalis
1834 Last Days of Pompeii (Bulwer-Lytton) 1865 Faithful unto Death (Sir Edward Poyntor)
Naevolia Tyche, wife of Gaius Munatius Faustus, Augustalis
Gaius Munatius Faustus (Nocera Gate)
Naevolia Tyche
Altar tomb ( Herculaneum gate)
Naevolia Tyche, freedwoman of Lucius, set this up for herself and Gaius Munatius Faustus, Augustalis and country dweller, to whom on account of his merits the town council with the approval of the people decreed a bisellium. Naevolia Tyche built this monument for her freedmen and freedwoman and for those of Gaius Munatius Faustus during her lifetime
Tomb of Quietus
For Gaius Calventius Quietus, Augustalis. To him, on account of his generosity,the honor of a bisellium was given by decree of the town council and by popular consent
Multi-occupancy—Tomb of the Flavii( freedmen of Publius Flavius)
House tomb ( 1 st c. CE multi- occupancy) Nuceria Gate Inscriptions not as informative (funeral club?)
Funeral Club Constitution (CIL (ILS 7212) It was decided unanimously that anyone who wished to join the club should pay an Initiation fee of 100 sesterces and an amphora of good wine. It was also decided that if any member of this club has paid his dues regularly and then dies, 300 sesterces will be allotted from the club treasury for his funeral. From this amount 50 sesterces will be used to reimburse participants in the funeral procession. The 50 sesterces will be divided up at the site of the funeral pyre. However, participants must walk.
It was also decided that if any member should die beyond the twentieth milestone from this municipality, and word has been received of his death, three men chosen from our club should go to that place and make arrangements for his funeral; they should then render an account to our members without willful deceit.
It was also decided that if any member of this club who was a slave should die, and if his body should not be given over to us for internment because of the unfairness of his master or mistress, or if he has not left a will, a funeral will be held in effigy for him…
Chairmen for the dinners, four at a time selected in turn according to the membership list, ought to provide one amphora each of good wine and bread worth two asses, proportionate to the number of club members and four sardines and a room for the dinner, and hot water, and a waiter.
Poor Names inscribed on walls between Nola and Sarno gate.