ntre/pompeii/daily-life/burial-practices/ Family tombs alongside the walls and gates of Pompeii Tombs belong to wealthy Pompeian's located outside the Nuceria Gate.
Pictures on slides 3,4 and 5 belong to ures/Plans/plan%20tombs.htm Pompeii Town Layout showing the tombs surrounding the gate.
SG1 Pompeii Stabian Gate. May Tomb of M Tullius. Boundary stone. Stone marking at the Stabion Gate in Pompeii Belonged to M Tullius
NE04 Tomb of L Cellius Tomb located near the Necuria Gate Looking like a house or small temple Tomb Belonging to L Cellius
This is perhaps one of the more elaborate sort of urns Most urns would have been like smaller versions of pithoi pots like the blue one on the right. Cremation-Urn.php
key.com/category/tags/herm Example of a Herm Similar to those of the Deir-el Medina people.
HGW04 Pompeii. Schola Tomb of Mamia. December ictures/Tombs/tombs%20hgw04.htm Both of these tombs are seat tombs or ‘EXEDRA’ tombs The exedra on the right is the Priestess Mamia’s tomb
u/home/araia/Euma chia.html The statue of Eumachia was dedicated to her
“Eumachia, daughter or Lucius, public priestess, in her own name and that of her son, M. Numestrius Fronto, constructed at her own expense the columnar porch the covered gallery and the portico; she herself dedicated the building to Concordia and to Pietas Augusta. This written source was found inscribed over the largest building in the forum. amia's+tomb&source=bl&ots=2048eS6sdl&sig=mK2S3a1Q3sKRL2GyrDVziFoRM3M&hl= en&ei=7V_-Svwwi-zoA- aGuesK&sa=X&oi=book_result&ct=result&resnum=1&ved=0CAgQ6AEwAA#v=onepag e&q=mamia's%20tomb&f=false
The tomb on the left shows wealth The tombs on the right are not as elaborate but do not show poverty. bs.htm