Spreading the Word Matthew 28 So they read distinctly from the book, in the Law of God; and they gave the sense, and helped them to understand the reading. (Nehemiah 8:8)
Daily Bible Reading 1) Pick up your monthly bookmark to join us! 2) We have a blog at 3) We provide a Booklet each week! The booklet covers the reading we do for our Wednesday reading and weekly Bible study Outlines Insights and Keys Daily reading spot “With the Word” by Warren Wiersbe Get it in a booklet or online as a PDF file
Why Vital??? It proves He is the Son of God (Jn 10:17–18; Rom 1:4) It proves He conquered sin (1 Cor 15) It demonstrates our future (1 Cor 15, 1 Thes 4, 1Pet 1) It powers the Christian life (Gal. 2:20; Eph. 1:18– 20)
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) by Faith by Truth by Word by Experience Reality of Christ...don’t be afraid...Jesus...is Risen......As He said...scriptures...come and see...
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) by Faith by Truth by Word by Experience Reality of Christ...don’t be afraid...Jesus...is Risen......As He said...scriptures...come and see... Mission of Christ ResponsibilityResponsibility MessageMessage UrgencyUrgency...come and see... ProvidenceProvidence...go and tell...Jesus is risen!...and go quickly...going before you
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) by Faith by Truth by Word by Experience Reality of Christ...don’t be afraid...Jesus...is Risen......As He said...scriptures...come and see... Mission of Christ ResponsibilityResponsibility MessageMessage UrgencyUrgency...come and see... ProvidenceProvidence...go and tell...Jesus is risen!...and go quickly...going before you...go and tell Presence of Christ PromisePromise RealityReality...He will meet you there...Jesus met them
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) by Faith by Truth by Word by Experience Reality of Christ...don’t be afraid...Jesus...is Risen......As He said...scriptures...come and see... Mission of Christ ResponsibilityResponsibility MessageMessage UrgencyUrgency...come and see... ProvidenceProvidence...go and tell...Jesus is risen!...and go quickly...going before you...go and tell Presence of Christ PromisePromise RealityReality...He will meet you there...Jesus met them
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) Reality of Christ Mission of Christ...come and see......go and tell Presence of Christ...Jesus met them
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) fearfear briberybribery...selfishness...selfishness deception, lies common lie politics, intrigue Anti-hope prepared (11-15)
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) Anti-hope prepared (11-15) Reality of Christ Mission of Christ...come and see......go and tell Presence of Christ...Jesus met them Great Commission (16-20)
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) Anti-hope prepared (11-15) Reality of Christ Mission of Christ...come and see......go and tell Presence of Christ...Jesus met them Great Commission (16-20) to the mountain
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) Anti-hope prepared (11-15) Reality of Christ Mission of Christ...come and see......go and tell Presence of Christ...Jesus met them Great Commission (16-20) to the mountain they saw Him they worshipped Him but some doubted
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) Anti-hope prepared (11-15) Reality of Christ Mission of Christ...come and see......go and tell Presence of Christ...Jesus met them Great Commission (16-20) All authority is in Jesus GoGo Make Disciples...as you go... baptizingbaptizing...born again, conversion teaching all He commanded
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) Anti-hope prepared (11-15) Reality of Christ Mission of Christ...come and see......go and tell Presence of Christ...Jesus met them Great Commission (16-20) I am with you always...to end Means of our mission Fulfillment of our lives
Hope from the Tomb (1-10) Anti-hope prepared (11-15) Reality of Christ Mission of Christ...come and see......go and tell Presence of Christ...Jesus met them Great Commission (16-20)