Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Hadhrat Mirza Ghulam Ahmad of Qadian
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Evidence of the Holy Quran: [4:158] And for their saying, 'We did slay the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, the Messenger of Allah;' whereas they slew him not, nor did they bring about his death upon the cross, but he was made to appear to them like one crucified; and those who differ therein are certainly in a state of doubt about it; they have no certain knowledge thereof, but only pursue a conjecture; and they did not arrive at a certainty concerning it.
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Evidence of the Holy Quran: [3:46] When the angels said, 'O Mary, Allah gives thee glad tidings of a son through a Word from Him; his name shall be the Messiah, Jesus, son of Mary, honoured in this world and in the next, and of those who are granted nearness to God;
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Evidence of Hadith: During his last illness, the Holy ProphetSAW said to his daughter Hadhrat Fatimara: “ Once in every year, Gabriel recited the Quran to me. This year he recited twice. He also told me that every succeeding prophet has lived to half the age of his predecessor. He told me that Jesus, son of Mary, lived to 120 years. Therefore, I think, I may live to about 60 years." (Mawahib-ud-Duniya by Qastalani, Vol. I, p. 42, Kanzul Ummal Vol. 6, p. 160)
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Evidence of Hadith: Jabar (ra) narrated: “Jesus always used to travel; he went from one country to another, and at nightfall wherever he was he used to eat the vegetation of the jungle and to drink pure water.” (Kanzul Ummal)
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Evidence of Hadith: Jabar (ra) narrated: “Jesus always used to travel; he went from one country to another, and at nightfall wherever he was he used to eat the vegetation of the jungle and to drink pure water.” (Kanzul Ummal)
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Feet Carvings made and placed next to the Tomb in Kashmir
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Bhavishya Mahapurana – Jesus in Kashmir around 100 A.D. King Shalivahan met Jesus
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Decree of the Grand Mufti – Mullah Fazil – 1194 A.H. High Court of Justice, in the Department of Learning and Piety of the Kingdom after obtaining evidence, concluded that during the reign of Raja Gopadatta, Yuz-Asaph came to the valley. The God Almighty sent Yuz- Asaph as a Prophet to the people of Kashmir. He proclaimed oneness of God till he passed away. Yuz- Asaph was buried at Khanyar on the banks of the lake, and the shrine is known as Rozabal.
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community History of Kashmir by Mullah Nadri – 1420 A.D. "During this time Hazrat Yuz Asaf having come from Bait-ul Muqaddas [Jerusalem] to this holy valley proclaimed his prophethood. He declared himself to be a Messenger [of God] for the people of Kashmir. Sulaiman inscribed on one of the stones of the ‘In these times Yuz Asaf proclaimed his prophethood,’ and on the other stone of the stairs he also inscribed that he [Yuz Asaf] was Yusu, Prophet of the Children of Israel."
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Another History of Kashmir by an unknown author – Curtsey Dr. Fida Hassnain “In early writings, it is mentioned that seventy years after the demise of Alexander the Great, Jesus Christ was born. When he reached the age of thirty years, God raised him to the status of an apostle. At the age of thirty-three years, he proceeded from Palestine towards the Holy Valley. It is mentioned in historical works that Jesus Christ reached Syria in company of his disciples and followers. It is written in authentic works that six days after his crucifixion, Jesus visited several places and met Zacharis and Mary and Disciples and then left for [an] unknown destination.”
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Among the Dervishes – By O.M.Burke Heart – Afghanistan – About A Thousand of Muslim Christians – Abba Yahya, Chief – ‘Traditions of the Masih’ is their holy book -According to these people Jesus escaped from the Cross, was hidden by friends, was helped to flee to India – Settled in Kashmir – Known as Yuz Asaf –
Tomb of Jesus – Islamic & Historic Perspective Organized by: Ahmadiyya Muslim Community Some More Books About Survival of Jesus on the Cross Christ did not Perish on the Cross By Kurt Berna The Passover Plot By Hugh Schonfield The Blood and the Shroud By Ian Wilson The Jesus Papers By Michael Baigent