Title image design: Yoichi Tamura. “Large Aperture Millimeter/Submillimeter Telescopes in the ALMA Era” The goals of the meeting Kotaro KOHNO University.


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Presentation transcript:

Title image design: Yoichi Tamura

“Large Aperture Millimeter/Submillimeter Telescopes in the ALMA Era” The goals of the meeting Kotaro KOHNO University of Tokyo

Sakai: Historical area with many heritages Comfort Hotel Sakai We are here: Osaka Pref. Univ. Nakamozu Campus Osaka Bay 47 large and small tumuli, including 3 major tumuli of Nintoku, Richu, and Hanzei

Keyhole shape in Sakai: Nintoku Mausoleum Nintoku Mausoleum (Daisen-Kofun) is Japan's largest kofun (ancient tomb) located in Sakai, Osaka. It is considered to be the tomb of Emperor Nintoku, the 16th emperor of Japan, and to have been constructed in about the 5th century. Nintoku Mausoleum is a keyhole-shaped kofun called zempo- koen-fun (front-square and rear-round kofun), unique to ancient Japan. The 486 m ( ft) long and 35.8 m (117.5 ft) tall kofun is one of the three great tombs in the world, together with the Pyramid of Khufu in Egypt, which is 230 m (754.6 ft) long and 146 m (479 ft) tall, and the Mausoleum of the First Qin Emperor in China, which is 350 m ( ft) long and 76 m (249.3 ft) tall. %E4%BB%81%E5%BE%B3%E5%A4%A9%E7%9A%87%E9%99%B5%E5%A4%A7%E4%BB%99%E5%8F%A4%E5%A2%B3/ ?ref=nf

Keyhole shape in the sakai sky

Another aspect of Sakai: “a town of craftsmanship” The gun production center of Japan A picture of gunsmith workshop in Sakai (A collection of National Diet Library) During the Warring state period (late 15 th to 16 th century), Sakai was the gun production center of Japan, with the spirit of a craftsman.

Now Sakai is a heterodyne receiver production center of Japan! Osaka Pref. University Is one of the major providers of heterodyne receivers to telescopes, Including NRO 45m and ASTE 10 m telescopes. It is also deeply involved with ALMA receivers including band 4 and band 10. Picture: Osaka Pref. Univ. 2m telescope In Nobeyama

Future large mm/submm telescope project in Japan D=30-50m, key frequency: 70 – 400 GHz Two key technologies: – wide area imaging with a wide field of view – multi-object, wide-band spectrograph Natural extension from NRO 45m/ASTE 10m telescopes Several options – Built our own by Japan? Participating to CCAT? LMT? Preliminary discussion in the astronomy & astrophysics section committee, under the Science Council of Japan, has been started, as well as bottom-up discussion in the community

The goals of this workshop Exploring the astrophysical potential of next generation large single-dish telescopes in the ALMA era with ultra-wide field of view and bandwidth at millimeter and submillimeter wavelengths. Exchanging current status of future and existing mm/submm telescopes, including CCAT, LMT, NRO 45m, IRAM 30m, ASTE, APEX, NANTEN2, etc. Sharing updated information on astrophysical activities and technology developments. Discussion on the future (mid-term and long-term) collaboration among projects.

Announcement from LOC LOC member will have a red name tag. Please catch any if you need any assistance. Lab. Tour is planned. Please register; especially for banquet tonight! This meeting room is until tomorrow’s noon; we will move the room then. Poster presentations will also be removed then. We will collect your presentation files. Please remove the slides you do not want to be public. Enjoy!