The Dawning of the New Day Chapter 10 John 20:1-18
The resurrection: an essential part of the gospel message (I Cor. 15:1-8) –A key doctrine in the Christian faith –Proof that Jesus is the Son of God –Evidence that His atoning work on the cross was complete and is effective –Debt has been paid –Not only a Savior, but also Sanctifier (Rom. 6:4) & Intercessor (Rom. 8:34) –He will return as Judge
Denial of historic fact of resurrection –Jewish leaders’ claim that Jesus’ body was stolen The tomb was guarded by the Roman soldiers The stone was sealed by a Roman seal His enemies remembered Jesus’ words that he will be raised (Matt. 27:62-66) –Eyewitnesses – 500 (I Cor. 15:6) Wrong tomb? –They watched carefully where He was buried (Matt. 27:61; Mark 15:47; Luke 23:55-57) –They loved the Master
–Change Mary Magdalene from tears to Joy (John 20:1-18) Ten disciples from fear to courage (John 20:19:23) Thomas from doubt to assurance (John 20:24-31) –Emphasis Mary on love Ten on hope Thomas on faith Three Stages –Faith Eclipsed (John 20:1-2) Mary & other women to the tomb early –Completing burial preparation
Mary informed Peter & John Mary discovered Jesus was alive & shared angels’ message to other disciples First witnesses – believing women –The testimony of women was not in high regard –Faith Dawning (20:3-10) Peter & John –Peter lead, but John at the tomb first –Grave clothes were empty without any evidence of crime or violence –See: 3 meanings Jesus’ word on resurrection –Destroy this temple & in three days I will raise it up (John 2:19) –Jonah (Matt. 12:40)
–Announced twice (Matt. 16:21; 20:19) –On Thursday, the last day He promised (Matt. 26:32) Faith based on evidence (Disciples) Faith in God’s Word (John 20:9; Rom. 10:17) Word of God, not personal experience, basis for faith (I Peter 1:12) Disciples used Old Testament to prove resurrection –Paul: Ps. 2:7 (Acts 13:33) –Peter: Ps. 16:8-11 (Acts 2:23-36) –Peter: Ps. 110:1 (Acts 2:34-35) –Isa. 53:10: “He shall prolong his days” –Jesus: Jonah (Matt 12:38-40) –Paul: Feast of Firstfruits – resurrection (Lev. 23:9-14; I Cor. 15:20-33)
–After resurrection, Jesus revealed to select few (Acts 10:39-43) –Resurrection in the law, psalms, prophets, and apostles Faith Sharing (20:11-18) –“weeping may endure for a night, but joy cometh in the morning” Ps. 30:5 –Mary saw two men in white (angels) “Why are you weeping?” “Whom are you seeking?” (18:4) Jesus revealed Himself to her “Rabboni-my Master, my Teacher.”
–In Greek text: Lord is Rabboni; equivalent term of respect –Rab (lowest), rabbi, and rabboni (highest) Mary spoke to & grasped His feet “Do not cling to me” –He hadn’t yet ascended to the Father – 40 days on earth –She had a job to inform His brethren that He was alive »servants (John 13:16), friends (John 15:15), brethren (Heb. 2:11; Ps. 22:22) “Our Father or Our God” – Jesus never used on for His relationship with the Father was different from that of disciples Jesus returned to the Father so the Holy Spirit can come to disciples Jesus is the exalted Son of God in glory –John leaned on Him, but fell at His feet at Patmos (Rev. 1:17)
Mary-”I have seen the Lord” (John 20:14, 18, 20, 25, 29) –Mark 16:9-11, disciples didn’t believe her Mary shared the fact of His resurrection, had seen Him personally, & reported Jesus’ words Faith is based on the evidence, but the evidence should lead us to the Word, & the Word leads us to the Saviour –Personal relationship to the Loving Lord –Historical faith: “Christ lives!” –Saving faith: “Christ lives in me!”
1.When have you gone through a dark time that had a happy ending? 2.Read about the happy ending to Jesus’ death in John 20:1-18. How do people try to explain away Jesus’ resurrection? 3.What evidences are there in this passage that Jesus did indeed die and rise again? 4.How would you characterize Peter’s and John’s faith at this time?
5. What do you learn about Mary from her experiences at the empty tomb and her encounter with the risen Christ? 6. Why were women the first witnesses of the resurrected Lord? 7. Why didn’t Jesus appear in a more public way after His resurrection such as to the Jewish leaders or to Pilate? 8. What role does evidence pay in your conviction that Jesus is risen?
9. What transformation occurred in this passage? 10. How had the risen Lord transformed your life?