Instructions Make sure you are viewing this project in slideshow mode. If you are not in slideshow mode, press f5. Click the mouse button to advance to the next slide. Click the “Click to begin” button. After you have finished with the prayer, click the mouse to advance to the question board. On the question board, use the mouse to click on the category and point value you wish to select. The next slide will appear. Click the mouse button to reveal the answer. Click the mouse button again to reveal the hint. Click the mouse button again to reveal the question. Click the mouse button again to reveal the “Return to Question Board” link. Click on the “Return to Question Board” link to return to the Question Board. The link you just selected should now appear in a different color to indicate that that question is no longer in play. Continue playing until all the questions have been answered. Good luck and enjoy!
Choose a category. You will be given the answer. You must give the correct question. Click to begin.
Dear God, Thank You for being with us today. Shine your light on us as we play our Jeopardy Game. Help me to remember that we are playing for fun. Remind me to always play fair. When I win, keep me from boasting. When I lose, keep me from having a bad attitude. Always help me, with a happy heart, to congratulate the winner. Amen.
Palm Sunday Maundy Thursday Good Friday Easter
Palm Sunday 100 They gathered to greet Jesus as he entered the city. Hint: Luke 19: 37 Question: Who are “A whole multitude of disciples”? Return to Question Board
Palm Sunday 200 This is where Jesus and his were disciples going. Hint: Matthew 21: 1 Question: What is Jerusalem? Return to Question Board
Palm Sunday 300 The people spread this on the ground in front of Jesus. Hint: Mark 11: 8 Question: What are cloaks and leafy branches from the fields? Return to Question Board
Palm Sunday 400 Jesus sent the disciples to get this. Hint: Mark 11: 1-3 Question: What is a colt (donkey) that had never been ridden? Return to Question Board
Palm Sunday 500 The people said this as Jesus paraded by. Hint: John 12: 13 Question: What is “Hosanna! Blessed is the one who comes in the name of the Lord- the King of Israel!”? Return to Question Board
Maundy Thursday 100 Jesus sent them to prepare the Passover meal. Hint: Luke 22: 7-13 Question: Who are Peter and John? Return to Question Board
Maundy Thursday 200 Jesus sent the disciples here to make Passover preparations. Hint: Mark 14: Question: Where is to the city, to meet a man carrying a jar of water who would take them to his house? Return to Question Board
Maundy Thursday 300 He betrayed Jesus. Hint: John 13: Question: Who is Judas son of Simon Iscariot? Return to Question Board
Maundy Thursday 400 This special event occurs. Hint: Matthew 26: Question: What is Communion? Return to Question Board
Maundy Thursday 500 Jesus did this to all of the disciples present at the Passover table? Hint: John 13: 4-12 Question: What is wash their feet? Return to Question Board
Good Friday 100 They cast lots (dice) to determine what clothes of Jesus they would take. Hint: Mark 15:16-25 Question: Who are the Soldiers? Return to Question Board
Good Friday 200 They took Jesus here to be crucified. Hint: John 19:16-19 Question: Where is Golgotha (The place of the skull)? Return to Question Board
Good Friday 300 They made Simon of Cyrene carry this for Jesus. Hint: Luke: 23: Question: What is the cross? Return to Question Board
Good Friday 400 The Centurion said this when Jesus died. Hint: Matthew 27:54 Question: What is, “Truly this man was God’s Son”? Return to Question Board
Good Friday 500 Jesus said this of those who crucified him. Hint: Luke: 27: 34 Question: What is, “Father, forgive them for they do not know what they are doing”? Return to Question Board
Easter 100 They went to the Tomb to anoint Jesus. Hint: Mark 16: 1-2 Question: Who are Mary Magdalene, Mary the Mother of James and Salmone? Return to Question Board
Easter 200 Jesus body was laid here. Hint: Matthew: 27:57-61 Question: Where is in the tomb of Joseph of Arimathea? Return to Question Board
Easter 300 They saw this when they went to the tomb. Hint: John 20: 3-8 Question: What is an empty tomb and the burial cloth folded where Jesus had been laid? Return to Question Board
Easter 400 They were at the tomb when the women went to anoint the body. Hint: Luke: 24:1-5 Question: Who are two angels? Return to Question Board
Easter 500 Mary was talking to Him in the Garden and this is how she knew it was Him. Hint: John 20: Question: Who is Jesus who said her name? Return to Question Board