Rousseau’s (first) tomb in Ermenonville in northern France
Rousseau’s tomb in Ermenonville in northern France
Taking Rousseau’s Remains to the Pantheon during French Revolution (1794)
Bastille prison in Paris in 1715
Explosion of Public and Private Reading Outdoor Newspaper Reading in Luxembourg Gardens Young Girl Reading, 1772 by Jean-H. Fragonard
Bourgeois family reading a play
Salon of Madame Geoffrin by Lemonnier
Philosophes Reading Aloud
Voltaire, Diderot, d'Alembert, La Harpe, Condorcet, in the café Le Procope
18 th c. English Coffee House note the newspapers
Lahontan, New Voyages to North America (1703) Note combination of classical and new world imagery
Lahontan, New Voyages to North America (1703) Adario on the frontispiece
Lahontan’s image of Huron marriage customs older noble savage image