The 12th Annual Meeting of Women in Cognitive Science Thursday, November 15, 2012 Minneapolis
Maximizing Research Time Research Area Maintaining Creativity and Productivity Gender Issues
Maximizing Research Time Problem at liberal arts college, e.g., no TAs, profs do all grading, student expectations differ Discuss strategies with colleagues, e.g., dealing with Stay out of office at least one day a week Save best hours for research
Research Area Select on basis of significance, interest and opportunity Establish programmatic research, develop theoretical framework and test Specialization aids visibility. Resist diversion from program, e.g., student projects Visibility can be enhanced by working in important but underdeveloped area
Maintaining Productivity & Creativity Colleges have smaller faculty (probably no researcher in your field) and fewer research resources ($$) Leave town on sabbaticals and some summers Collaborate- Contact researchers doing related work Apply for extramural research grants NIH and NSF have special programs for undergraduate institutions
Gender Women underrepresented in academic science. Why? Often blamed on women’s life style choices, namely choice of disproportionate child- and family care Gender bias still lingers: Moss-Racusin et al. (2012). Science faculty’s subtle gender biases favor male students. Proceedings of the National Academy of Science.
Moss-Racusin et al. (2012) Application for lab manager position sent national sample of bio, chem. & physics profs Same application- varied male/female name Female application rated lower on competence, hireability and how much would mentor Female offered lower salary liked female more than male Sex of Prof had no effect
Implications of Gender Issues Seek out mentoring Demonstrate competence- in papers, editorial boards, grants. Watch for gender based salary differences