Pyramids in Egypt
mummy: the preserved body of the dead
preserved body
The of the mummy
Words believed to have magical (有魔法的) powers that can harm people curse:
The curse of the mummy Death Shall Come on Swift Wings To Him Who Disturbs the Peace of the King. 谁扰乱了法老的安眠,死神 将张开翅膀降临他的头上!
pre-reading: Alexandria ( 亚历山大, 埃及港口城市 ) Cairo ( 开罗 ) Luxor ( 勒克索, 埃及城镇 ) Lord Carnarvon ( 卡纳封勋爵 ) King Tutankhamun ( 图坦卡蒙国王 ) Howard Carter Arthur Mace George Gould Richard Bethell
Read for the gist of each paragraph. (main point)
1.Match the summaries with the correct paragraphs: a There is a scientific reason why people died after entering the tomb. b Howard Carter did not go to school and later became an explorer. c Lord Carnarvon died after Carter had opened the tomb. d Howard Carter discovered the tomb of King Tutankhamun. e A short introduction of Howard Carter’s life story. f The mystery of Tutankhamun’s tomb has never been fully explained. g More people died after Carter’s discovery. h People keep wondering why so many people died and have suggested all kinds of explanations. Para 1. Para 5. Para 2. Para 6. Para 3. Para 7. Para 4. Para 8. e b d c g h a f
1,Besides Howard Carter, who else that joined in the opening of the tomb are mentioned in the passage? What strange things happened to them? 2,Find out the different explanations mentioned in the passage.
Who?What happened? Lord Carnarvon (supporter) George Gould (friend) Richard Bethell (secretary) Arthur Mace (team member) They fell ill and died strangely not long after the tomb had been opened.
some other strange things Carter’s pet bird was eaten by a snake upon entering the tomb. Carnarvon’s dog died at the same time as its master. Lights in Cairo went out when Carnarvon died.
How many explanations are mentioned in the passage? 1. coincidence 2. the result of the mummy ’ s curse 3. the viruses disturbed by fresh air explanations
Do you believe in the curse? Which of the explanations do you support?
Listen for the numbers in the blanks.
He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown. 1).In _____, at the age of ___, he set sail for Alexandria, Egypt. By ______, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. 2).In ____, Howard Carter made his most amazing discovery of all, in the valley of the Kings, in Egypt. 3).Within ___ years, ___ people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died. Howard Carter, however, lived on and died at the age of ___.
He was bright and curious about the world outside his hometown. 1)In _____, at the age of ___, he set sail for Alexandria, Egypt. By ______, he had become an explorer, searching for the tombs of the Egyptian kings. 2)In ____, Howard Carter made his most amazing discovery of all, in the valley of the Kings, in Egypt. 3)Within ___ years, ___ people who had something to do with the opening of the tomb died. Howard Carter, however, lived on and died at the age of ___ s
. Work in pairs. One is the host Zhu Jun, the other Howard Carter. Make a talk show about mummies. ( 艺术人生 )
Zh: Today in our programme, our guest is the famous explorer, Howard Carter. Welcome to our ‘ Talk Time ’, Mr Carter. C: __________. Zh: As the first question, I should like to ask ….. C: _____________________________. Zh: Can you tell us something about … _____________________________. It ’ s time for our audience to ask questions freely. Au: _____________________________. … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … … Zhu: How time flies! It ’ s time to say goodbye. Thank you for being here and sharing ideas with us. Wish you to achieve more amazing discovery. Sample dialogue: Zh= Zhujun C= Carter Au=audience Do you think the mummy’s curse really exists? Why?
Part1 Part2 Part3 Part4 (Para1-2) (Para3) (Paras4-5) (Paras6-8) A short introduction to Howard Carter Carter ’ s discovery The strange deaths Different explanations about the strange deaths, but no conclusion
Homework: 1, C1 on P44. 2, Reading on P106.