The mystery of a king’s curse By Tyler
King Tutankhamen (Tut) was an Egyptian king that lived from 1341BC BC. He was crowned king when he was only 9 years old and ruled Egypt until he died at the age of 19. When he died he was buried in a pyramid near one of his cities that he ruled. His pyramid was decorated with many fine jewels and other priceless artifacts from the time that he was king.
His tomb was said to have been cursed and those who shall enter will die. The idea of the curse came when Lord Carnarvon died from a irritated mosquito bite that was said to have poisoned him. Lord Carnarvon and an archeologist named Howard Carter were two of the main people involved in the whole mystery. This was said to happen in the year of 1923 when King Tut’s tomb was opened by Howard carter and many other archaeologists. Lord Carnarvon was present during the opening of the tomb.
One theory is that Lord Carnarvon and the other people there at the opening of his tomb died from the curse left by king tut. This was thought of by many people and people started to make up stories like Howard Carter’s canary was killed by a cobra after the opening of the tomb. Another theory is that the people involved died because of aliens but that is not likely, because aliens probably do not even exist.
One believable explanation is that Egyptian priests placed a highly poisonous fungal spore called anthrax in king Tut’s tomb to protect it from grave robbers, and that is what killed King Carnarvon and the others who died after entering.
I think that the most reasonable explanation is the one that says Lord Carnarvon was killed by the fungal spore called anthrax, but he could have died from another disease caused by the mosquito bite.
“The Curse Of The Mummy.” January-March “Opening Of King Tut’s Tomb.” January-March