Reliability of the Resurrection Christianity rises or falls on one historical event 1 Corinthians 15:17–19 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 “The resurrection is only.


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Presentation transcript:

Reliability of the Resurrection Christianity rises or falls on one historical event 1 Corinthians 15:17–19 1 Corinthians 15:1–4 “The resurrection is only real for our lives today if it is a real event of history.”

Reliability of the Resurrection So how do we convince the unbeliever that Jesus’ resurrection is reasonable? The Bible is essentially all we have! However, we have already established the reliability of the Bible! So....

Reliability of the Resurrection So how do we convince the unbeliever that Jesus’ resurrection is reasonable?.... We know that the death of Jesus was actual, literal and genuine. Roman soldiers Spear in Jesus’ side Those who handled His body

Reliability of the Resurrection So how do we convince the unbeliever that Jesus’ resurrection is reasonable? Gravesite was secure Soldiers posted Tomb sealed by Roman seal Who would steal the body anyway?!

Reliability of the Resurrection So how do we convince the unbeliever that Jesus’ resurrection is reasonable? Tomb found empty Attested to by women Soldiers claimed it was empty Soldiers ordered to claim to be sleeping!

Reliability of the Resurrection So how do we convince the unbeliever that Jesus’ resurrection is reasonable? Risen Christ was seen! 1 Corinthians 15:5–8 Acts 1:3 Could He have risen and people NOT have heard?!

Reliability of the Resurrection So how do we convince the unbeliever that Jesus’ resurrection is reasonable? Change in the Apostles Acts 5:42 They were willing to die! Jewish Christians changed their day of worship!

Reliability of the Resurrection So how do we convince the unbeliever that Jesus’ resurrection is reasonable? Resurrection was predicted by Jesus and the prophets. Psalm 16:10 Acts 2:32

Reliability of the Resurrection So how do we convince the unbeliever that Jesus’ resurrection is reasonable? The resurrection is central to the Gospel message! Without the resurrection, could the Gospel have spread so well?

Reliability of the Resurrection What are some competing theories? 1.The “swoon” theory What it is Why it’s foolishness! 2.The “hallucination” theory What it is Why it’s irrational!

Reliability of the Resurrection What are some competing theories? 3.The “impersonation” theory What it is Why it’s ridiculous! John 20:24–25 Luke 24:16

Reliability of the Resurrection What are some competing theories? 4.The “spiritual resurrection” theory What it is Why it’s erroneous 5.The “stolen body” theory What it is Why it’s foolishness!

Reliability of the Resurrection What are some competing theories? 6.The “mistaken” tomb theory What it is Why it’s ridiculous!

For Next Week Similar to last challenge: Locate, or deduce, some reasons (2 or 3) why we can believe in Jesus’ deity.