“What about…” Aledo Church of Christ Summer Series 2014.


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Presentation transcript:

“What about…” Aledo Church of Christ Summer Series 2014

“As long as there are tests… there’ll be prayer in school.”

“Daily Prayer” “Is there a set or “proper” way God desires us to pray and communicate with Him?” 1.“Elements to be included in each prayer?” 2.“Is it acceptable to pray during or while at our daily activities – such as while driving – or other routines we follow?”

“Is there a set or “proper” way God desires us to pray and communicate with Him?” “…for we do not know how to pray as we should…” Romans 8:26-27 Should = necessity of divine will Spirit intercedes…groans “not to be uttered” “Pray then in this way:…” Matt. 6:9 Way = comparative conjunction: manner In comparison to hypocrites & gentiles Reverence Seek God’s will Seek God’s provision Seek God’s relation Seek God’s protection Forgiving heart

“Elements to be included in each prayer?” 1.Three key terms (Eph. 6:18ff & Phil. 4:6) proseukh (proseukei) “prayer” dehsew$ (deeiseōs) “entreaty, request, petition” aithmata (aiteimata) “requests” 2.“Casting all your anxiety upon Him…” 1 Pt. 5:6-7 (cf. Matt. 7:7-11) “…do all in the name of the Lord Jesus…” Col. 3:17 “…always giving thanks…in the name of our Lord…” Eph. 5:20 “Amen” is used 22x at end of a “doxology” i.e. Phil. 4:20, 1 Pt. 4:11, 1 Pt. 5:11

“Is it acceptable to pray during or while at our daily activities – such as while driving – or other routines we follow?” “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17) “…at all times, praying…” (Luke 21:36, Eph. 6:18) “…but in everything…” (Phil. 4:6) “Pray without ceasing” (1 Thess. 5:17) “…at all times, praying…” (Luke 21:36, Eph. 6:18) “…but in everything…” (Phil. 4:6)

“We all know and have studied about Jesus’ death, burial, resurrection, and ascension giving us the opportunity to have everlasting life. But what of the 3 days He lay in the tomb? Why 3 days? Was He parted from God during that time and reunited with God when He rose from the tomb?” Was Jesus more vulnerable during those three days? What happened to Him during that time?

Peter’s First Sermon “…this Man, delivered over by the predetermined plan and foreknowledge of God, you nailed to a cross by the hands of godless men and put Him to death. "But God raised Him up again, putting an end to the agony of death, since it was impossible for Him to be held in its power. "For David says of Him, 'I SAW THE LORD ALWAYS IN MY PRESENCE; FOR HE IS AT MY RIGHT HAND, SO THAT I WILL NOT BE SHAKEN. 'THEREFORE MY HEART WAS GLAD AND MY TONGUE EXULTED; MOREOVER MY FLESH ALSO WILL LIVE IN HOPE; BECAUSE YOU WILL NOT ABANDON MY SOUL TO HADES, NOR ALLOW YOUR HOLY ONE TO UNDERGO DECAY. (Acts 2:23-27)

Hades = Place of Dead, Waiting Story of Lazarus, Luke 16:19ff  Jewish thought in 1 st Century, Hades divided into two or more sections: “Paradise” and “Torment”  Where is Lazarus, rich man? The thief, Luke 22:43 “in Paradise” The abyss, Romans 10:7, cf. Rev. 9:11

Was Jesus more vulnerable during those three days? What happened to Him during that time? 1.We are not given much detail. 2.He was helped, Heb. 2: What about 1 Peter 3:18-20? Was He parted from God during that time and reunited with God when He rose from the tomb?” 1.What is the significance of “abandoned” in Acts 2:27ff? 2.“…why have you forsaken me…” Mt. 27:46, cf. Ps. 22:1ff

Why 3 days? Three was a common sacred number in the ancient Near East. As the number most distinctly marked with a beginning, middle, and end it seems to have been regarded as symbolic of a complete and ordered whole. Triads of gods are known from Egypt and Mesopotamia. The universe was in three parts: heaven, earth, and netherworld. Families consisted of three parts: father, mother, and child. It is not surprising that the number three in the Bible is second only to seven in the frequency of its symbolic use, although distinguishing exact from symbolic use is sometimes difficult. International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, revised edition, 1979

Why 3 days?. Noah's three sons (Gen 6:10), Abraham's guests (18:2), Job's daughters (Job 1:2; 42:13) and friends (2:11), great cultic feasts (Ex 23:14), the threefold call of Samuel (1 Sam 3:8), the three times Elijah stretched himself over the widow's child (1 Kings 17:21, the temptations of Jesus (Matt 4:3 par.)… International Standard Bible Encyclopedia, revised edition, 1979