Clock Tower
The first settlement of Izmir, M.Ö 3000 years seen that Bayraklı on their backs. May 15, 1919 which was occupied by the Greeks in Izmir, occupied more than three years after their stay at the National War of Independence on September ''deGreek invasion, was rescued after the proclamation of the Republic, has been acquired the status of the province.
Two-storey building overlooking the sea Kordon No. 248, was built in 1862as a mansion by a carpet merchant, Takfor. This historical building, in 1927 by the City of Izmir Atatürk was a gift. Atatürk, Izmir visits have been in this house andcontinued to work here. In 1941, the building converted into a museum, has been restored in recent years by the Ministry of Culture.
MustafaKemal Ataturk's mother, Mrs. Zub eyde Karsiyaka Soğukkuyuthe station is located in a park on the side of the Zübeyde Lady Street. Kabir, FerikOsma n Pasha Mosque in courtyard. Ataturk was determined by the current shape ofthe tomb itself. Burial was in the form of memorial, built in 1940 by the Municipality ofIzmir.