Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets
The Biblical Year: Passover 1st month, Nisan 14 March/April Unleavened Bread 1st month, Nisan March/April Firstfruits 1st month, Nisan 16 March/April Shavout 3rd month, Sivan 6 May/June (Pentecost) Rosh Hashanah 7th month, Tishri 1 September (Trumpets) Yom Kippur 7th month, Tishri 10 September 27 (Day of Atonement) Tabernacles 7th month, Tishri October 3-9 (Hanukkah10th month, 25 Kislev December)
BiblicalChurchAmerican Passover Unleavened Bread Firstfruits Shavout Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Tabernacles Hanukkah
BiblicalChurchAmerican Epiphany Lent Crucifixion Passover Resurrection Unleavened Bread Firstfruits ShavoutPentecost Rosh Hashanah Yom Kippur Tabernacles Advent HanukkahChristmas
BiblicalChurchAmerican EpiphanyNew Years! Super Bowl LentMardi Gras Crucifixion St Patrick’s Day Passover ResurrectionEaster Egg hunt Unleavened Bread March Madness FirstfruitsMother’s Day Graduation ShavoutPentecostMemorial Day July 4 th Labor Day Back to School Rosh HashanahWorld Series Yom Kippur TabernaclesHalloween Thanksgiving AdventShopping! HanukkahChristmasWinter Holiday
Instituted Observed Fulfilled Passover Freed from Egypt Unleavened Bread The journey from Egypt First fruits Celebrate early harvest Weeks Celebrate late harvest Lamb slain, family Seder meal The week after Passover Sacred Assembly First Sheaf of Grain Sacrifices Grain offering Sacrifices Don’t reap edges of fields Jesus died on cross Body didn’t decay in tomb Jesus rose from grave Holy Spirit poured out Church born
Instituted Observed Fulfilled? Feast of Trumpets Yom Kippur Day of Atonement Feast of Tabernacles Call to repentance, Day of Judgment, No work Sacred Assembly Deny yourself High Priest enters Holy of Holies, Blood sacrifices Sins of year forgiven Sacred Assembly Rest, rejoice Live in tents for a week, Fall harvest, torches, water Announcing Day of Judgment
Make a list of your sins over the past year. Read the Ten commandments in Exodus 20. Matthew 5 Pick your most valued possession as a sacrifice for your sin. Choose what you will abstain (fast) from next Sunday. Yom Kippur Sundown Service, Next Sunday, Sept 27, 6:52 pm. Prepare for Day of Atonement
Rosh Hashanah Feast of Trumpets
Biblical Calendar