Memorials By: Colton, Olivia, and Justin Many memorials are great, but we’re going to tell you about the three we think are the most interesting.
World War II Memorial The field of stars contains 4,000 gold stars representing 400,000 Americans who died in the war. Workers started building it in September, 2001 Used 17,000 pieces of exactly cut stone to build it The field of stars contains 4,000 gold stars representing 400,000 Americans who died in the war. Workers started building it in September, 2001 Used 17,000 pieces of exactly cut stone to build it
Arlington National Cemetery Built in 1864 Covers 624 acres of land Other family members can be buried where their soldier is buried Built in 1864 Covers 624 acres of land Other family members can be buried where their soldier is buried
Tomb of the Unknown Soldier Represents unidentified soldiers who have died in war Soldiers from World War I and II, Korean War, and Vietnam War are buried there 48 other countries with similar tomb Represents unidentified soldiers who have died in war Soldiers from World War I and II, Korean War, and Vietnam War are buried there 48 other countries with similar tomb
Conclusion World War II Memorial, Arlington National Cemetery, and Tomb of the Unknown Soldier are great in many ways!!
Credits Images retrieved from Google image search, February 28, Images retrieved from Google image search, February 28,