A People’s History of Christianity: The Other Side of the Story Ch. 4: Christianity as Spiritual Architecture Ch. 5: Devotion – Paradise Restored Part II: The Cathedral – Medieval Christianity,
Caro salutis est cardo. The flesh is the hinge of salvation.
Jesus depicted as a Roman soldier, in a mosaic in Ravenna, ca. 500.
Celtic Spirituality: Gallarus Oratory in County Kerry.
Skellig Michael, site of an early monastic community, off the W. coast of Ireland.
Monastic “beehive” huts on Skellig Michael.
Another aspect of Celtic spirituality: voyaging at sea under the guidance of the Spirit, as St. Brendan is depicted doing in this manuscript illumination.
Another visualization of St. Brendan and his adventures spreading the Gospel.
St. Benedict (d. 547) founded a monastic community near the caves of Subiaco, in the hills east of Rome.
Fresco of St. Benedict teaching boys. Many Benedictines have devoted their lives to educating the young.
Ivory carving showing Pope Gregory I (d.604) at work in his cell, with the Holy Spirit as a dove on his shoulder providing inspiration.
Camaldoli, Italy, site of another order of monks, showing hermit cells.
Studying in a modern-day cell at Camaldoli. Passing a meal to a monk, through the window of his cell.
Chartres (13 th -c. cathedral) in France.
Chartres, North Rose Window
Christ blessing, at the summit of the ‘Good Samaritan Window’
Creation story starts here, in the ‘Good Samaritan Window’.
Parable of the Good Samaritan starts here in the ‘Good Samartan Window.’
The next three panels depict Shoemakers, who donated the window to the cathedral.
Vita contemplativa sculptures, North Portal, Chartres
Notre Dame de la Belle Verrie`re
Sedes sapientiae – Throne of wisdom
Byzantine icon of the Annunciation with Mary spinning the scarlet yarn for the Temple Curtain.
Another icon of the Annunciation with Mary spinning the scarlet yarn for the Temple Curtain.
Early medieval western depiction of the Annunciation, with Mary holding a book. English textile book binding of ca
Fra Angelico Annunciation with a book on Mary’s lap.
St. Anne teaching Mary to read. From York, All Saints Church, ca
Heloise and Abelard, from a medieval manuscript illumination.
Tomb of Heloise and Abelard, Paris.
St Julian’s Church, Norwich Ms. of Dame Julian’s “Showings”