Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop1 A few Astronomical Observations of CVN Wang Weihua Shanghai Astronomical Observatory
2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop2 Contents 一. The observation and data processing of CVN 二. The results of two astronomical observations 三. The problems and the discussion about the CVN 四. The design of CVN VLBI database
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop CVN structure
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop4 1.2 Frequencies available with the CVN telescopeWaveband SHL,C,S,X,K BJS,X KMS,X URL,C,S,X,K Note SH and UR have been building for about 20 years BJ and KM were build on 2006 for Chang’E project; So Only S/X band receiver Must nearly real-time Must be reliable.
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop5 1.3 UV coverage The UV coverage of the CVN at 18 cm for W3OH
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop6 1.4 VLBI stations The FS system; Mark5A, Mark5B ; K5 (Sh and Ur); SKD,VEX; Mark5,Log, RXG
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop7 1.5 the correlators Mark5A, Mark5B ; Job file
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop8 1.6 MakeFITS Schedule file; Eop file ; Uvw (calc9); Log,rxg A Fits-idi file once a scan;
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop UV coverage
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop the VLBI image of 3c84
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop TY (cg002)
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop12 Before fringe fitting
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop13 After fringe fitting
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop station positions The accuracy of telescop positions (BJ, KM) < 5cm Need more geodetic observations Dr Wang Guangli X(m)Y(m)Z(m)SX(m)SY(m)SZ(m) BJ KM UR
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop system parameters of new telescopes Noise source ; Gain curve; control system of Kunming Prof Xu Zhuhe
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop The correlator Correlate the data for a scan ; polariation VLBI observations; Pulsar gating Dr Zheng Weimin
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop ? CVN programme committee. Whom to submit a proposal? EAVN programme committee for EAVN.
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop The CVN VLBI database submit the notices and meeting Upload News, picture and lecture; submit the proposal and the schedule file ; Upload log file and the status of the correlator Manage the VLBI data; CVN Data Archive Linux + Apache + PHP + mySQL Tsinghua University and SHAO
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop Design of CVN VLBI Database UserIDGroupIDuserNameinstituteaddress, ,… 1 User and Group GroupIDgroupNameprivilege
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop Design of CVN VLBI Database newsUDuserIDtitletimecontent,file,… 2 Upload news and lectures lectIDuserIDtitletimeContent, file, …
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop Design of CVN VLBI Database noteIDuserIDtitletimecontent,file,… 3 Upload notice,meeting meetIDuserIDtitletimeContent, file, …
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop Design of CVN VLBI Database propIDuserIDtitleobscodefile,… 4 submit a proposal and the schedule file obscodeuserIDSched filetime …
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop Design of CVN VLBI Database logIDobscodestationID userIDTime,Log files … 5 upload log files of station and status of correlator corrIDobscodeuserIDtimeprocessing file …
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop Design of CVN VLBI Database fitsfileobscodepiNamestationsfreq,obsTime,FITS Files 6 manage the result 7 download the archive data using ftp
Shanghai Astronomical Observatory 2009 East Asia VLBI Workshop25 Thank you!