Cleveland Metropolitan Bar Association’s Green Initiative
Green Initiative Goals - CMBA Law Firm/Office Certification - CMBA Law Firm/Office Certification - CMBA Goes Green - CMBA Goes Green - CMBA Outreach/Green Advocacy/Events - CMBA Outreach/Green Advocacy/Events
Law Firm/Office Certification CMBA Certified “Green Firms/Offices” (a yearly program) - Certification Letter of Voluntary Compliance - Certification Letter of Voluntary Compliance - Issuance of CMBA Certification - Issuance of CMBA Certification - CMBA Recognition - CMBA Recognition
CMBA Certification (Cont.) Paper Management/Use: The Problem Law Firm/Office Certification of Compliance with 2 of 4 of the following (first three are from the ABA/EPA “WasteWise” Program): 1) Purchase office paper with at least 30% recycled content. 1) Purchase office paper with at least 30% recycled content. 2) Recycle discarded office paper. 2) Recycle discarded office paper. 3) Use double-sided copying and printing at least for drafts and internal documents. 3) Use double-sided copying and printing at least for drafts and internal documents. 4) Purchase office paper only from paper manufacturers with sustainable forestry management practices. 4) Purchase office paper only from paper manufacturers with sustainable forestry management practices.
CMBA Certification (Cont.) Energy Use: The Problem Law Firm/Office Certification of Compliance (ABA/EPA “Energy Star” program) – Initial year of certification is based on a commitment to the reduction of firm/office energy use by 10% (over a 12 month period). Successive years— certification is based on actual attainment of a reduction. Suggested energy reduction activities: 1) Turn off lights, computers, copiers, printers, and other equipment when not in use. 1) Turn off lights, computers, copiers, printers, and other equipment when not in use. 2) Replace incandescent or halogen lamps with compact fluorescents (CFT). 2) Replace incandescent or halogen lamps with compact fluorescents (CFT). 3) Use daylighting as much as possible, instead of lights. 3) Use daylighting as much as possible, instead of lights.
CMBA Certification (Cont.) 4) Enable power-down management software on networked computers. Make sure screensavers are used. 4) Enable power-down management software on networked computers. Make sure screensavers are used. 5) Upgrade the ambient fluorescent lighting system by replacing the T12 lamps with more energy-efficient T8 or T5 systems and upgrade exit signs to use light-emitting diode (LED) lamps. 5) Upgrade the ambient fluorescent lighting system by replacing the T12 lamps with more energy-efficient T8 or T5 systems and upgrade exit signs to use light-emitting diode (LED) lamps. 6) Use automatic lighting controls such as dimming systems that reduce light when natural daylight is available; and occupancy and motion sensors for, among other things, conference rooms, kitchens, storage rooms, and restrooms. Consider occupancy sensors that power down computer equipment, task lights, and other plug load equipment. 6) Use automatic lighting controls such as dimming systems that reduce light when natural daylight is available; and occupancy and motion sensors for, among other things, conference rooms, kitchens, storage rooms, and restrooms. Consider occupancy sensors that power down computer equipment, task lights, and other plug load equipment. 7) Educate cleaning crews to shut off miscellaneous items such as office lights, coffee pots, and other equipment when not used. 7) Educate cleaning crews to shut off miscellaneous items such as office lights, coffee pots, and other equipment when not used.
CMBA Certification (Cont.) Recycling of cans, bottles, plastic and e-waste: The problem Law Firm/Office certification of the existence of a program for the recycling of cans, bottles, plastic and e-waste
CMBA Certification (Cont.) Law Firm/Office Green Committee or Administrator - Certification by firm/office of the existence of a Green Committee or Administrator to promote green firm/office practices - Certification by firm/office of the existence of a Green Committee or Administrator to promote green firm/office practices - Provide the CMBA with the appropriate contact information for continuing cooperative efforts with the firm/office though such committee/administrator - Provide the CMBA with the appropriate contact information for continuing cooperative efforts with the firm/office though such committee/administrator
CMBA “Goes Green” CMBA to lead by example and meet law firm/office challenge.
CMBA Outreach/Green Advocacy/Events Promote “green” practices at firms/offices, in our personal lives, and in the community at large: - CMBA web, journal and other publications - CMBA web, journal and other publications - Green events (“David Webster Greener Way To Work Day,” etc.) - Green events (“David Webster Greener Way To Work Day,” etc.) - Clearinghouse for green news, events, programs, vendors - Clearinghouse for green news, events, programs, vendors
Time Table Adoption by GI Committee/approval of CMBA Green Initiative by CMBA Bd: Committee approval– Task Completed. Certification information to law firms/offices and launch certification process: Ongoing. Green site on CMBA web page: Ongoing. Green Events: including “David Webster Greener Way to Work Day”: Set for September 25, 2009.
Other Work/Focus Add Green Initiative Committee members from additional law firms/offices: Ongoing. Develop subcommittees and subcommittee leadership as needed to assist in achieving goals: Ongoing.
Not “The End,” Just the Beginning