Mary Ann Hawthorne, Instructional Superintendent, Region 2 Archived Information
School to Career Programs at Samuel Gompers HS (CTE Pathway Offerings) Career/Jobs Coordinator position Major Co-Op and Internship Programs: –Cablevision – installing cablevision products –Con Edison (Electric & Gas Co.) – Summer fulltime and school year Co-Op part time employment –IBM – 6-week summer enrichment program with fulltime employment and professional development offerings while staying on college campus (Program model expanded nationally) –Verizon – Summer employment installing telephones Annual Career Fair – Over 30 companies stage a career fair where students submit resumes, conduct mock interviews and prepare for professional exposure F.I.R.S.T. Foundation (For Inspiration and Recognition of Science Technology) Robotics Competition –A Non-profit organization founded by Inventor, Dean Kamen dedicated to Science & technology education –Project-based learning by team of students and volunteer engineers from companies & universities to construct functioning robot from basic kit –Cost & Expenses raised by supporting community businesses
Mary Ann Hawthorne, Bronx, NY At the system level, how can CTE pathway programs connect to goals for improving high school performance? –Teachers and Staff Awareness of Industry Requirements: –Skill expectations –Definitive Outline of professional requirements –Knowledge of future trends – influence curriculum Resource Support –Curriculum Enhancement/New Course Offerings –Technology/ Materials Donation –Faculty loan/ Instuctional Support –Students: Proven to stimulate greater focus & Commitment to Academic Excellence –Raises levels of Confidence & Self Esteem Mentoring/ Professional Role Models Intern/Co-Op Opportunities ( Career to Work Programs) College Bound Programs –College Feeder –College Visits / Summer Enrichment experiences
Conclusion Establish & deliver: –Flexible, creative programs that respond to changing business, industry, student and community needs –Training and professional development for teachers and staff to ensure quality instruction and revitalized professional & technical outlook –Development of partnerships between business industry, the community and universities