Section 106 Clearance Application Missouri Local Programs How to Complete the Application for Section 106 Clearance
Why we Need to Review Cultural Resources? In its preface to the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966, Congress declared that the preservation of historic properties "is in the public interest so that its vital legacy of cultural, educational, aesthetic, inspirational, economic, and energy benefits will be maintained and enriched for future generations of Americans."National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 economicenergy MO Dept. of Natural Resources – SHPO Office Home Page:
What are Cultural Resources? Section 106 of the National Historic Preservation Act of 1966 requires potential impacts to significant cultural resources from any federally funded or permitted project to be considered. The five categories of cultural resources are listed below. Archaeological SitesBuildingsStructures (e.g., bridges) ObjectsDistricts
Getting Started Step One – Access the 106 form. Step Two – Fill out the 106 Form Step Three – Additional Map Documentation Step Four – Take Photographs Step Five – Assemble Application and submit
Step One – Access the 106 Form The 106 Form (Page 1 shown at right) can be access at the following location: orms/ f.pdf
Step Two – Project Sponsor Information 1.Enter Project Name and Federal Project Number. 2.Enter the federal agency providing project funds. 3.Enter project sponsor name 4.Enter general telephone number. 5.Enter the name of the Person of Responsible Charge with the LPA. This is the person who will be providing day to day project management and oversight 6.Enter the address and phone number of the Person of Responsible Charge 1. Cleveland Sidewalk Program STP-5489 (603) 2. Federal Highway Administration 3. City of Cleveland, MO 5. Person of Responsible Charge 4. (555) (555) City Project Manager City of Cleveland 209 Main Street Cleveland, MO 64734
Step Two– Project Location Information Enter basic project location information: 1) County where project is located, 2) Street address of the project, and 3) City where project is located. Cass County Main Street/State Highway Y Cleveland Enter legal location description of the project. The legal description information can be obtained from the quadrangle that covers the project area: 1) Quadrangle Name, 2) Map Year, 3) Township, Range & Section. (See next slide for direction on how to determine legal description) West Line Quadrangle
Step Two – Finding Quadrangle Information Legal description information can be found on US Geological Survey quadrangle maps. If you are unsure about the quadrangle name for your project area: a.Access the USGS Map Locator and Downloader at the following address : art/(xcm=r3standardpitrex_prd)/.do art/(xcm=r3standardpitrex_prd)/.do b.On the left side of the page, choose Map Locator and Downloader. (Circled in red.) 1)In the Search Box, type in the City Name and State and click GO. 2)The site will redirect to a Google map that will show the quadrangle name for the area entered.
Step Two – Finding Quadrangle Information Cont.
Step Two – Project Description In this section, applicants should describe the facility, such as beginning and ending point, side of the street, and width of the facility, etc. This information is shown in the example below. This project will construct new sidewalks and rebuild the existing sidewalks on the north side and south side of Main Street/State Highway Y. North Side – Trail Ridge Pass to 5 th Street and 3 rd Street to just short of the rail road right of way. South Side – West of 5 th Street near a nursing home facility to just short of the railroad right of way. North Side The existing sidewalks between 3 rd Street and RR right of way are 4-ft wide. The proposed sidewalks will be 5-ft wide in accordance with ADA. In the sections without existing sidewalks, the proposed sidewalks will be 5-ft wide in accordance with ADA. South Side The existing sidewalks between 5th Street and 3 rd Street are 4-ft wide. The proposed sidewalks will be 4 to 5-ft wide in accordance with ADA. The existing sidewalks between 3 rd Street and RR right of way are approximately 7.5-ft wide. The proposed sidewalks will remain 7 to 8-ft wide. The improvements include replacing the existing ramp/stairs at city hall in accordance to with ADA standards. Regarding the sections without existing sidewalks, the proposed sidewalks will be 5ft wide.
Enter known information about the construction site. In the example above, the city is reconstructing an existing sidewalk and adding new sidewalk in other areas. Indicate whether the site will require fill material. Step Two – Archaeology Yes- This ground has been previously disturbed by construction of and maintenance of Main Street / State Highway Y sidewalks, which are adjacent to the roadway and building constructed along the right-of-way.
Check boxes to indicate if the project is near an historic property, a national register district or a local historic district. If the project is near a historic structure or district, enter the name of the structure or district in the appropriate box. Photos should be taken of the project area & labeled. They should be clearly tied to one of the project maps. The next slide has a link to the Missouri National Register to determine any historical structures or districts within the area. Step Two – Structures in the Project Area
Missouri Department of Natural Resources (MDNR) has research databases for historic properties, national register districts, local historic districts. The picture below shows the top of the list of historic places and districts in Jackson County, MO. Missouri National Register listing: Step Two – Structures in the Project Area
Step 3 - Additional Map Documentation The last two sections on Page 2 of the 106 Application list attachments necessary to submit the document for review. Electronic maps from a GIS system or copies of paper maps can be submitted. Examples of maps from the USGS and a GIS system are contained in the next slide.
Step 3 – Aerial Photo Map Example Aerial photo submitted with the Cleveland Sidewalk 106 application. Red and blue lines show the project.
Step 3 – Project Location Map Example An example of the 7.5 X 15 minute topographical map from a GIS system that was submitted with the Cleveland application.
Step 3 – Project Location Map Example An example of the 7.5 X 15 minute topographical map downloaded from the USGS. The location of the project must be indicated on the map.
Step 3 - Borrow & Fill Material Map Example
Step 3 – Example Map of Historic Areas & Sites This map shows an historic district & historic properties in downtown Independence, MO. This data can be acquired from MDNR. The MDNR site is: o/mapgallery.htm o/mapgallery.htm
Step 3 – Example Documentation for New Projects Additional documentation may be necessary for new projects, such as plan sheet showing the alignment of a new roadway or pedestrian/bicycle facility.
Step 4 – Take Photographs of Project Area For the Cleveland project, a multipage.pdf document was created and submitted to the SHPO office.
Step 5 – Assemble and Submit Application Once the application, photographs and maps are completed, the entire package should be submitted to the SHPO at the address below.
The End! Thank You!!