? Despite his status as a military hero, General Ulysses S. Grant proved to be a weak political leader. Why?
? Which group played a major role in getting U.S. Grant elected President in 1868?
? In the tumultuous period following the Civil War these were the three big problems for business and government:
? How did late 19th century politicians remind voters that the Republican party had fought and won the Civil War?
? What caused the pressure that landed NYC’s Boss Tweed in jail?
? What was the source of the Crédit Mobilier scandal?
? How did the owners of the Crédit Mobilizer try to avoid prosecution?
? What was the primary motivation of the Liberal Republicans and their revolt from the regular Republican party in 1872?
? How did Grant get reelected in 1872? One of the main reasons please.
? What was the major cause of the Panic of 1873?
? What did debtors support as a solution to the depression that followed the panic of 1873?
? What was the major result of Republican hard money policies in the mid 1870s?
? What were the significant policy differences between the Democrats and Republicans during the Gilded Age?
? What was the voter turnout like in the presidential elections of the 1870s and 1880s?
? What was one of the major reasons for the extremely high voter turnouts and partisan fervor of the Gilded Age?
? Despite the lack of national political issues, why did Gilded Age elections often produce fierce local contests?
? In religious and cultural terms, the Republicans appealed especially to groups that derived their views from what tradition of strict moral codes and government regulation of morality and society?
? What was the lifeblood of both the Democratic and the Republican parties during the Gilded Age?
? Where was the political base of the Democratic party in the late nineteenth century? (hint: people/groups & areas of the country)
? What was the major problem in the 1876 presidential election?
? What were the results of the Compromise of 1877?
? What is the sequence of presidential terms of the “forgettable presidents” of the Gilded Age (including one President’s two nonconsecutive terms)?
? In the 1896 case of Plessy v. Ferguson, what did the Supreme Court rule?
? What were the legal codes that established the system of segregation were called?
? Blacks who violated the Jim Crow laws or other elements of the South's racial code were often subject to what form of punishment?
? Sharp class conflict and a national railroad strike were problems that began for this new president:
? What caused the national railroad strike of 1877?
? What was the fundamental attitude of Hayes and other Republican administrations toward labor agitation?
? Labor unrest in the 1870s and 1880s resulted in the use of what measures to control and end strikes?
? In the aftermath of anti-Chinese violence in California, what was the government’s response?
? What was one of the main reasons the Chinese came to the United States?
? Who were the first and second presidents to be assassinated while in office?
? Who assassinated President James A. Garfield?
? This required people applying for many federal government jobs to take a competitive examination.
? After the passage of the Pendleton Act, prohibiting political contributions from many federal workers, politicians increasingly sought money from this source:
? The 1884 election contest between these two men was noted for its vicious personal attacks between the two candidates.
? Which one of the Gilded Age presidents had a different party affiliation from the other four?
? When he was president, Grover Cleveland's strong belief in this approach to government gained the support of businesspeople.
? President Grover Cleveland departed from the broad agreement of most Gilded Age presidents by advocating this (involved an economic theme ):
? In addition to supporting a lower tariff, Grover Cleveland stirred political opposition by doing this, which was very unpopular:
? What was the major campaign issue of the 1888 presidential election?
? How did Grover Cleveland propose to address the problem of the large federal budget surplus?
? What was unusual about Benjamin Harrison's victory over Grover Cleveland in the election of 1888?
? So, what was the Billion-Dollar Congress’ solution for quickly disposing of rising government surpluses?
? What did the tariff bill, sponsored by Congressman William McKinley of Ohio provide for? Who did he irritate in the process?
? After an epidemic of violent strikes and labor conflicts in 1892, industrial workers were more favorable in supporting this group:
? What were the four states completely carried by the Populists in the election of 1892?
? How did the conservative white Bourbon Democrats of the South largely succeed in crushing the Populist revolt?
? The Populist campaign to create a coalition of white and black farmers ended in a racist backlash that resulted in the loss of this for Southern blacks:
? What were the political developments of the l890s largely influenced and shaped by?
? Economic unrest and the repeal of the Sherman Silver Purchase Act led to the rise of this pro-silver leader:
? What was the fear that primarily drove President Cleveland's hostility to silver and silver-backed currency?
? President Grover Cleveland aroused widespread public anger by his action of borrowing $65 million in gold from…?
? Who were the greatest political beneficiaries of the backlash against President Cleveland in the mid-term Congressional elections of 1894?