Hinckley Academy and John Cleveland Sixth Form Centre
Staffing My role as Principal Transition Head Other appointments
New School Fresh Start Outstanding
Hinckley Academy and John Cleveland Sixth Form Centre Numbers in the new school 2015/16 Year 7: Year 8:170 Year 9:120 Year 10:210 Year 11:510 Sixth Form:550
Hinckley Academy and John Cleveland Sixth Form Centre
Curriculum: Subjects taught remain the same Continuity of teachers where possible Interventions/support (continuity!)
Pastoral Structure Year system replaces House structure Year 11 Population ‘A’ Year 11Population ‘B’
Year 11 Population ‘A ’ Head of Year: Dawn Jotham Director of Learning: Graeme Price Tutor Base: Design Responsible for students presently in Nichols House, Iliffe House and Chessher (10C3 and 10C4)
Year 11 Population ‘B’ Head of Year: Fiona Rogers Director of Learning: Robin Blackley Tutor Base: Humanities Responsible for students presently in Brame House, Hansom House and Chessher (10C1 and 10C2)
School Uniform: Blazer remains the same unless a new one is required; then black blazer with new badge All white shirts with clip on tie. Tie to be provided by the school and handed back Grey trousers/skirt Black shoes
Sportswear: As at present New sportswear available if required
Arrangements for Year 11 students: Preparation for exams Preparation for Sixth Form, College or Apprenticeship BOTH CONTINUE AS AT PRESENT No change to Sixth Form provision in the new school
End of Summer Term for students: Monday 6 th July 2015 Activities Day has been cancelled and full refunds will be given Beginning of the Autumn Term for students is Tuesday 1 st September 2015