Cleveland Clinic Transforming Healthcare Cleveland Clinic Transforming Healthcare
Age > 65 #Millions#Millions
The total amount of knowledge doubles every 2 1/2 years
Volume-Based Value-Based Fee-for-Service Outcomes Payment Structure
Quality Reports
Cost Transparency Companies
Affordability Quality Access Value
Acute Care Well Care Population Health Chronic Care
CCHS ED Wait Time minutes minutes
Same Day Visits 688,000 1,130,000
Test Results Messages Appointments Preventive Care Health Summary My Chart 22 33
40 million lives 50 Million
Watson Goes to Medical School
UHC Consortium Quality Ranking
Patient Safety Indicators National Mean
Patient Satisfaction 75 th %ile 29 th %ile
Employee Chronic Disease Management 72% 47% 56%
Employee Health Plan PMPM Costs $ % Q %
Partial Nephrectomy 20% $4,506 $3,615
Potential Pre Post $554 $237 $136 Low Back Pain Cost / Case
Affordability Quality Access Value
Healthcare Inflation % 2%