A History of Cleveland Square by Tarna Blackelm G.H.O.S.T. Chief Researchers Heidi and Keith Wilden
Southwest General Hospital G.H.O.S.T. Ghost Hunters of the Southwest and Texas
Short El Paso History El Paso County was established in March A military post called The Post opposite El Paso was established 1955 a settlement on Coons' Rancho called Franklin became the nucleus of the future El Paso, Texas.
1859 Anson Mills completed his plan of the town, calling it El Paso.
Cleveland Square 1860 – 1880 The history of Cleveland Square is one of Cemeteries, especially since there were three or four in the general area Simeon Hart owed the land west of Oregon 1861 He donated land for Confedrate Cemetery – Military Cemetery Public Cemetary - across Oregon Small cemeteries were scattered throughout downtown Before Hart's death in 1874, he permanently donated present day Cleveland Square and Carnegie Square to the army for a burial ground
Historic Cleveland Square Modern Cleveland Square is between Missouri St on the North. Franklin St. on the south. Oregon on the East and El Paso on the West Land is empty - remains from the cemeteries has been moved to various locations
El Paso around Oregon St. 1886
Cleveland Square 1888 Cleveland Square - Military cemetery Public Cemetery area Government still owns the donated land – so nothing is being build Public Cemetery land has housing being built on it.
Cleveland Square 1893 The two areas that will become Modern Cleveland Square are noted as US Cemetery Reserve.
St Luke’s Hospital 119 Missouri St. Dr J Sheldon Horsley, Director In 1894 President Grover Cleveland granted Lots A & B via proclamation to City of El Paso
Cleveland Square 1898 The Public cemetery lots are not full of houses.. Even though the future Buckler and Cleveland square areas are parceled out as lots. No hourses were built.
133 Missouri Home of Judge C N Buckler – in 1909 it was the Osteopahic Infirmery Run by Dr Ira W Collins. House is on the NW Cornor of N El Paso and Missouri. Buckler Square was named in his honor.
Cleveland Square 1900/ In about 1900 you see Buckler Square (where the main Library is now) and the area next to it (where the History Museum is) is still shown as vacant lots.
EL Paso Houses 1908 looking to the NW
In 1902 Providence Hospital, is still a hospital in El Paso today, had its roots in care for tuberculars. Originally located at 617 N. Santa Fe (Upson and Santa Fe). Dr. Horsley from St Luke’s help found It
In 1904 the El Paso’s new permanent Library was build with a grant from the Andrew Carnegie Foundation along with public Funds. Built on the west side of Buckler Square, It was a dream come true for the Library assosction. At that time or shortly afterwards Buckler square was renamed Carnegie Square in honor of Andrew Carnegie. Main Library ca 1909 That should be the Excelsior Hotel in the background
Cleveland Square 1905/1908 Cleveland Square decorated for the presidential visit ca Ca 1908
YMCA built , during the construction of the site for the YMCA human bones were unearthed at the corner of Missouri and Oregon. In 1980 more human bones were recovered from the same area next to Continental National Bank (601 N. Mesa).