Open FMB Suggested Use Cases
Open Field Message Bus - Capabilities Low Latency Multi-device types / multi systems Flexible Configurations Distributed Applications What is important to the group?
Name Size Published ORNL F1 Frequency Control 375 KB Mar 20, 2014 ORNL F10 Microgrid User Interface and Data Management 386 KB Mar 31, 2014 ORNL F2 Voltage Control 385 KB ORNL F3 Intentional Islanding 438 KB ORNL F4 Unintentional Islanding 447 KB ORNL F5 Islanding To Grid Connected Transition 459 KB ORNL F-6 Energy Management 553 KB Sep 04, 2014 ORNL F7 Microgrid Protection 408 KB ORNL F-8 Ancillary Services 539 KB ORNL F9 Microgrid Blackstart 429 KB
UseCase Stack for Consideration Distributed Power Balancing (concept paper provided by Bruce McMillin) Frequency Control during island (based on EPRI Usecase) Limit maximum real power output at the PCC to a preset value (IEC TC8 WG6 DCT 4 Version 9) Provide dynamic reactive power injection through autonomous responses to local voltage measurements (IEC TC8 WG6 DCT 4 Version 9) Security: Mitigation During a Failure or Attack ( Resilience and Security for Power Systems with Distributed Energy Resources (DER) - Frances Cleveland)
Thoughts Imagine a Meter that provides four types of data to different actors in the system sub second data for local distributed apps (stability) sub second data for local distributed (optimization / forecasting) minute to monthly revenue for billing systems in the back office sub second data to support future transactive energy apps (so that all meters of a technical type from multiple vendors and multiple application vendors can play together)
Resilience and Security for Power Systems with Distributed Energy Resources (DER), SGIP Meeting, Frances Cleveland, May 5-8, Denver, Colorado
Capabilities - Litimus Test Demonstrates the capability for low Messaging latency Demonstrates interoperability between vendor devices Demonstrates interoperability between vendor application Demonstrates the capability for information governance Demonstrates the capability to support high volume of IP devices Demonstrates the capability to support low integration work processes for system Demonstrates the capability for multi-function assets Demonstrates the capability for distributed systems Demonstrated the capability for trustworthy deployment Demonstrates the capability for extensibility
F4:Unintentional Islanding These selections are based on the EPRI Microgrid Usecases One idea to test out latency is during an unplanned islanding event. If we are assume that ESS is in a smoothing operation and can ramp at 50ms based on lithium ion chemistry, what can we do to drop non-critical loads fast enough to maintain the stability of the island over different communication mediums Key requirement demonstrated - Low latency
F1 is Frequency Control These selections are based on the EPRI Microgrid Usecases Frequency Control in Island mode would probably be the most interesting. Ability to control the ESS KW output for frequency stabilization during load transition. Key requirement demonstrated - Low latency
Other Thoughts on Usecases A usecase that allows us to use data from a field devices for multiple applications that is typically siloed or limited via communications. For example metering devices can support visibility of the system and have the potential to use this data in multiple types of applications. A usecase that looks at adding new devices on to the network and how that process would work. For example, assume a microgrid, if we have new metering devices or a new generation asset what would be the right architecture design to drive towards a plug n play environment where distributed application don’t need to be reconfigured manually and the domain functions still work as prescribed.