A NTICIPATORY SET Which government action extended suffrage to African-American males during Reconstruction? A.) The creation of the Freedmen’s Bureau. B.) The passage of the Thirteenth Amendment C.) The passage of the Fourteenth Amendment D.) The passage of the Fifteenth Amendment E.) The passage of the Sixteenth Amendment
H AWAII WARM - UP ACTIVITY On your warm-up activity, either write or draw what you think of when you hear the word Hawaii.
I NTEREST IN H AWAII As trade grew with China and Japan in the 1800’s, many Americans became interested in Hawaii. Ships traveling between China and the United States regularly stopped in Hawaii to allow their crews rest and to take on supplies. American settlers in Hawaii quickly discovered that the climate and soil of the islands were suitable for growing sugarcane. By the mid-1800’s, many sugarcane plantations had been established in Hawaii.
A MERICAN BUSINESSMEN IN H AWAII Because American businessmen became so influential in Hawaii, the United States Senate demanded a treaty granting exclusive rights to a naval base at Pearl Harbor. This treaty led to a boom in the Hawaiian sugar industry and tremendous wealth for planters. In 1887, prominent planters pressured the Hawaiian King into accepting a new constitution that would limit the king’s power and increase the power of the queen. These developments angered the Hawaiian people, who feared they were losing control of their country.
Q UEEN L ILIUOKALANI In 1891, Queen Liliuokalani ascended to the Hawaiian throne. She disliked the influence American settlers had gained in Hawaii. In 1893, she unsuccessfully attempted to restore her power by imposing a new constitution on the Hawaiian people. Faced with the queen’s actions, the planters backed an attempt to overthrow the monarchy. Backed by heavily armed U.S. soldiers and marines, the planters overthrew the queen and imprisoned her.
C LEVELAND RESISTS After overthrowing the queen, the American planters requested the United States annex Hawaii. President Grover Cleveland strongly opposed imperialism. Cleveland withdrew the annexation treaty from the Senate and tried to restore Liliuokalani to power. Hawaii’s new leaders refused to restore her power, and they decided to wait until a new president took office to annex Hawaii.
H AWAII BECOMES PART OF THE U. S. When President William McKinley took office, he called for a joint resolution for the annexation of Hawaii. With political leaders fearful that Japan may take Hawaii, it officially became a U.S. territory in 1898.
1993 C ONGRESSIONAL RESOLUTION In 1993, President Bill Clinton issued a joined Congressional Resolution, apologizing for the U.S. role in the overthrow. Clinton acknowledges the Hawaiian people were self sufficient, organized, and efficient enough to take care of themselves without intervention from the United States.