ANSYS FLUENT for Brain Research: Cranio-spinal system Cranium Spinal canal Medical Image Mathematical Model
ANSYS FLUENT for Brain Research: Hydrocephalus Normal Hydrocephalic
ANSYS FLUENT for Brain Research Application Intracranial Dynamics
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Intracranial dynamics Medical Imaging 1st Principles: Math/Physics Computer Science
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Intracranial dynamics Third ventricle 3rd ventricle Aqueduct 4th ventricle Pontine cistern
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Intracranial dynamics Normal Velocity [m/s] Pressure [Pa] Linninger, A.A., M. Xenos, D.C. Zhu, M.R. Somayaji, S. Kondapalli, and R.D. Penn. Cerebrospinal fluid flow in the normal and hydrocephalic human brain. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 54:291-302, 2007.
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Intracranial dynamics (mm/s) 3rd ventricle Aqueduct 4th ventricle Pontine cistern
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Intracranial dynamics Definition of Symbols/Abbreviations LV: lateral ventricle SAS: subarachnoid space V4: fourth ventricle CCJ: cranio-cervical junction
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Intracranial dynamics—Conclusions Pressure gradients in the brain remain small (<1mmHg) Blood flow and vasculature expansion driving force for pulsatile CSF motion
ANSYS FLUENT for Brain Research Application Drug Delivery
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Drug delivery to the human brain Drug transport—porous brain parenchyma Effective Diffusion Tensor of Growth Factor (GDNF) near the Putamen Diffusion flux in anisotropic tissue: Apparent water diffusion tensor in human brain from diffusion tensor imaging (DTI) Axial view Motivation: Validate invasive techniques for clinical practice Geometrical Challenge: Reconstruction of brain anatomy from images Physiological Challenge: Quantify brain anisotropy and heterogeneity from DTI Drug Transport Challenge: Predict spatio-temporal drug distribution in 3d Treatment Challenge: Propose optimal catheter positioning and CED parameters
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Drug delivery to the human brain
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Drug delivery to the human brain Molecular weight = 27,000 kg/kmol; Flow rate = 4µl/min ; X0 = 3.7·10-3 mol/l, no reaction high low Axial slices
ANSYS FLUENT for Brain Research Drug Delivery Additional Applications
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Drug distribution & catheter placement GDNF (neurotrophic factor) concentration field over time mol/l Thalamus injection Injection into gray matter Week #1 Week #2 Week #4 Internal capsule injection Injection into white matter mol/l Week #1 Week #2 Week #4 A. Linninger, M.R. Somayaji, L. Zhang, M.S. Hariharan and R. Penn. Rigorous Mathematical Modeling Techniques for Optimal Delivery of Macromolecules to the Brain. IEEE Transaction on Biomedical Engineering, 55 (9): 2303-2313, 2008.
ANSYS FLUENT Application: Drug distribution & catheter design Flow direction at week 3 Concentration field over time low high Week #1 Week #2 Week #3
ANSYS FLUENT Application: References Linninger, A.A., M.R. Somayaji, T. Erickson, X. Guo, and R.D. Penn. Computational methods for predicting drug transport in anisotropic and heterogeneous brain tissue. Journal of Biomechanics. 41:2176-2187, 2008. Linninger, A.A., M.R. Somayaji, M. Mekarski, and L. Zhang. Prediction of convection-enhanced drug delivery to the human brain. J Theor Biol. 250:125-138, 2008. Linninger, A.A., M.R. Somayaji, L. Zhang, M.S. Hariharan, and R.D. Penn. Rigorous Mathematical Modeling Techniques for Optimal Delivery of Macromolecules to the Brain. Biomedical Engineering, IEEE Transactions on. 55:2303-2313, 2008. Linninger, A.A., B. Sweetman, and R. Penn. Normal and hydrocephalic brain dynamics: the role of reduced cerebrospinal fluid reabsorption in ventricular enlargement. Ann. Biomed. Eng. 37:1434-47, 2009. Linninger, A.A., M. Xenos, B. Sweetman, S. Ponkshe, X. Guo, and R. Penn. A mathematical model of blood, cerebrospinal fluid and brain dynamics. J. Math. Biol. 59:729-59, 2009. Linninger, A.A., M. Xenos, D.C. Zhu, M.R. Somayaji, S. Kondapalli, and R.D. Penn. Cerebrospinal fluid flow in the normal and hydrocephalic human brain. IEEE Trans. Biomed. Eng. 54:291-302, 2007. Morrison, P.F., R.R. Lonser and E.H. Oldfield, “Convective delivery of glial cell line-derived neurotrophic factor in the human putamen”, J Neurosurg, vol.107, pp. 74-83, Jul, 2007. Salvatore, M.F., Y. Ai, B. Fischer, A.M. Zhang, R.C. Grondin, Z. Zhang, G.A. Gerhardt, D.M. Gash, “Point source concentration of GDNF may explain failure of phase II clinical trial”, Experimental Neurology, vol. 202, pp. 497-505, 2006.