Implementation Training December 10, 2010. Goal: Develop Math Fact Fluency The FASTT Math intervention program: Helps all students achieve math fact fluency.


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Presentation transcript:

Implementation Training December 10, 2010

Goal: Develop Math Fact Fluency The FASTT Math intervention program: Helps all students achieve math fact fluency. Assesses all students to uncover fluency gaps and to establish a baseline of fluency for each student. Differentiates instruction in customized, 10-minute daily sessions. Helps all your students build the confidence in mathematics they need to succeed. Covers basic 0-9 and 0-12 addition, subtraction, multiplication, and division facts

Program Components Student Materials FASTT Math Software Practice Sheets Teacher Resources Teachers’ Guide Fact Fluency Foundation Guide SAM

The FASTT Math Model 1. Placement Assessment – FASTT Math begins with a computer-based assessment that presents all the basic facts in an operation. – Determines the facts that are being recalled from memory and those that are solved using a counting strategy. – After the initial assessment, a Fact Grid (shown) displays the fluent (fast facts) and the (study facts ).

The FASTT Math Model 2. Adaptive Instruction – FASTT Math adapts daily instruction sessions that focus on the student’s problem facts or study facts. – Facts are presented in a visual array to strengthen a memory connection to the facts.

The FASTT Math Model 3. Independent Practice – Provided only after a students is able to retrieve a fact within the controlled response time. – Student practice their learned and fluent facts with engaging and motivating games.

The FASTT Math Model 4. Operation Mastery – Ensures all students build long-lasting fluency they will need to solve complex math problems. – Rewards students with a the Tracker Style Gallery.

Using the Software After completing the initial Placement Assessment (first 1-2 days), the student will start his or her regular FASTT Math Lessons. Required Parts of FASTT Math Lesson Part 1: Adaptive InstructionPart 2: Independent Practice An instructional activity such as: Study New Facts Practice Facts OR An assessment: Challenge Special Challenge Mastery A practice game. Students can choose any one of the nine games available in the program.

Activity TypeWhen Is It Presented? PurposeWhat Is Presented? Study New FactsMost common activity; presented every day unless another challenge has been triggered. To build memory relationship for up to three Study Facts from the student’s Fact Grid. The program selects the next available fact pair from the student’s Fact Grid for instruction. Review FactsPresented if the student’s retention level falls below 80%. To repeat focused instruction on already-learned facts that student is not remembering. The program selects 2 or 3 facts the student had the most trouble with. Practice FactsPresented periodically. Triggered after mastery of 7s. To provide periodic rest from learning new facts. Does not present any new facts. It focuses on practice of the most recently learned facts. Adaptive Instruction Fact Instruction Overview

Activity TypeWhen Is It Presented? PurposeWhat Is Presented? Mastery Assessment After 60 minutes of instructional lesson time if there are Study Facts. After 30 minutes of instructional lesson time if no more Study Facts. To determine if the student is able to respond fluently. Fact assessment on all Focus Facts (up to 40 facts). Challenge Assessment When all the facts in a level are Fast or Focus Facts. To determine if the student is able to respond fluently. Includes a short Typing Assessment part and a Fact Assessment part. Periodic Assessments Fast Fact Challenges

Activity TypeWhen Is It Presented? PurposeWhat Is Presented? Practice GamesDuring each lesson, after the student has completed the instructional activity. Students are required to play 1 game per lessons. Provide the student with fun, motivating environment to increase speed of recall of learned facts. 70 problems, including Focus and Fast Facts. Independent Practice

SAM (Scholastic Achievement Manager) SAM is the learning management system for FASTT Math SAM collects and organizes student performance data generated while using FASTT Math Use SAM to: – Manage student rosters – Enroll students and assign them to operations – Generate reports for student performance data – Generate customized worksheets for each student – Provide updates on students’ program usage

SAM (Scholastic Achievement Manager)

Break: 10 minutes

SAM Access:

FASTT Math Reports 1.Student Reports – Student Fact Fluency – Student Lesson Status – Student Response to Intervention Report 2.Class, Grade, and Teacher Reports – Progress Report – Intervention Grouping Report 3.School and District Reports – Summary Progress Report – FASTT Math Implementation Report

Student Access:

Who Should Use FASTT Math? Students who: demonstrate poor computational performance are receiving interventions in mathematics are not fluent with some math facts

Placement Assessment FASTT Math Fact Fluency Guide Students in need of foundation instruction in number value and quantity Students who demonstrate speed and accuracy with all, or almost all, math facts Students who need to improve both their accuracy and speed with math facts 1 3 2

Fact Fluency Foundation Guide Provides intervention material to help assess and address students who lack: 1.Fact-linking strategies 2.Facility with number counting 3.Framework for number quantity

Addressing Prerequisite Skills The placement assessment in the FASTT Math Software will alert teachers to which students need prerequisite work before they use FASTT Math Software to develop automaticity with their facts.

Fact Fluency Foundations Guide Math Fact Diagnostic Assessment Quantity Concepts Intervention Counting System Intervention Number-Fact Linking Intervention These two interventions are usually completed as a precursor to using the FASTT Math Software. This intervention can be done while the student continues with the software.

Interventions The interventions in the Fact Fluency Guide are designed to be used with individual students or small groups. – 20 to 30 minute sessions, 3-5 days per week

Quantity Concepts Intervention – These students are not yet ready for the FASTT Math Software and need concept development. Counting Intervention – These students are likely to need the full set of intervention lessons. Fact-linking Intervention – These students can start this intervention, then begin using the FASTT Math Software Interventions

Introducing FASTT Math to Students Have teachers give students a short introduction to the program: why they are using the program how it will help them when and where they will be expected to use the software how to play the games what to do if they have trouble

Expectations Instructional coaches will: Train grades 2-5 teachers Assist teachers in selection of students to take the Placement Assessment Guide teachers on selecting those who need prerequisite skills and those who are ready to use the software (60 per campus in grades 2-5, and 6 th grade) Use SAM to enroll students, assign to classes and assign operations Monitor use of FASTT Math program and work with teacher to analyze data reports

Expectations Implement in the Classroom: – Create a rotational schedule for selected students to access FASTT Math during independent work time or as part of GUIDED MATH group rotations – Begin math instruction with a minute fluency exercise for the whole group while selected students use FASTT Math on classroom computers

Reflection How do you see this software being used in the classrooms? How will you monitor for effective use of the software?