Teaching & Assessing English Learners on California’s Standards © Northern California Comprehensive Assistance Center, WestEd, 2001 John Carr
Reading Standards ELA ELD Word Analysis, Fluency, & Systematic Vocabulary Development Comprehension Literary Response & Analysis Word Analysis Fluency & Systematic Vocabulary Development Comprehension Literary Response & Analysis
Writing Standards ELA ELD Strategies Applications Written (& Oral) English Language Conventions Strategies & Applications Conventions
A Map for Teaching and Assessing California’s ELD and ELA Standards for English Learners
English Language Proficiency Levels Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) At any given proficiency level, a student can perform the specified task independently and automatically
English Language Proficiency Levels You will divided into groups of 5, as indicated by the Roman numeral on your slip of paper. You will start in your expert group, e.g. beginning, early intermediate, etc. Each group member will be assigned one proficiency level to become an expert at that level. Using the ELD Standards, work with the expert group to provide examples of skills a student at your level can do independently and automatically. Your expert group should have examples of skills for each Language Area; Listening / Speaking, Reading, and Writing. Individually, record the skills on the mini-poster paper, by proficiency level AND language area, to teach to your home group (I., II., III., IV., V., VI.)
English Language Proficiency Levels Beginning (B) Early Intermediate (EI) Intermediate (I) Early Advanced (EA) Advanced (A) Instruction should be targeted to the skill level ABOVE current abilities
Standards-Based Assessment Measures content standard(s) Yields performance levels
Mainstream Classroom in a Standards-Based District Reasonably Fluent ELs learn grade level content standards with ELD/SDAIE Instruction primarily on ELA standards assess ELA standards Instruction primarily on ELD standards assess ELD standards
Reasonable Fluency is... ELL students at “reasonable fluency” receive instruction and assessment on grade level content standards How do you define reasonable fluency? –Ready to learn ELA standards? –Ready to learn content area standards? –(does it depend on grade level?) ? ? ? ?
A Good Assessment Is accurate for every student (to what extent is this possible?) is aligned to standards provides useful feedback to teachers to guide instruction –and to students to guide learning
Equitable Assessment for All Students Same Content Standards Same Performance Standards Modifications & Alternative Assessments for equal opportunity
Equity = diverse opportunities To learn: diverse teaching strategies to meet students’ diverse learning needs & interests To be assessed: diverse assessment strategies to meet students’ performance needs & interests Same Content & Performance Standards with diverse strategies to meet diverse student needs
Challenges to Equitable Assessment of EL Students Comprehending the Instructions Producing an Answer Understanding the Culture
Production Challenges: Modify the Procedures Show samples of responses, clarify form of desired response Provide extra time, breaks, several sessions Use editing process to support writing for essays/reports
Production Challenges: Modify the Assessment Allow illustrations to support text; provide graphic organizers Shorten response length; segment Correct language convention errors, respectfully, privately, and in a focused manner. Provide word bank Allow oral responses
1 Lesson + 1 Assessment Content ELD Standards Mixed Classroom (Native English speakers and English Learners)
Standards-Based Instruction TRADITIONAL Select a topic from the curriculum Design instructional activities Design and give an assessment Give grade/feedback Move onto a new topic STANDARDS-BASED Select standard(s) Design an assessment to show mastery Plan diverse learning activities Plan diverse teaching strategies Use data for feedback: move on or re-teach Adapted from Western Assessment Collaborative at WestEd
1. Standards inform Assessment 2. Assessment informs Instructional practices 3. Students engage in Learning what they need to know and be able to do 4. Students Demonstrate what they know and can do 5a. Students experience Learning and transition to the next level in their academic career 5b. If students don’t experience success and understand the concepts, the teacher Re-teaches and modifies instruction based on Assessment results
How will you use the ELD Standards in your content classrooms? Instructional Planning –Where do the ELD Standards “fit” into your curriculum throughout the year? –Are you covering ELD Standards in all the language areas? Individual Students –Map their current abilities and target instruction one level above
Student Profile English Proficiency Levels Listening / Speaking Reading Word Analysis Reading Fluency & Systematic Vocabulary Development Reading Comprehension Literary Response & Analysis Writing Strategies & Applications Writing Conventions
ELD Standards: Listening / Speaking Follow Directions Listen Attentively Speak to be Understood Vary Ways of Speaking Use Figurative Language Participate in Social Conversations Identify Media Messages Ask and Answer Questions Deliver Oral Presentations
ELD Standards In content area groups, read through the each language area of the ELD Standards Try to match the ELD Standard to a Content Standard, curriculum area, or activity that you cover / do in your content classroom Share some of your “matches” with the class