LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA PLBS Aim of the English Language Curriculum To extend pupils’ language proficiency in order to meet their needs to use English in certain situations in everyday life, for knowledge acquisition and for future workplace needs LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Subject Objectives (SK/SJK) SO 1 : To form and maintain relationships through conversations and correspondence; take part in social interactions; and interact to obtain good services SO 2 : To obtain, process and use information from various audio-visual and printed sources, and present information in spoken and written form. LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Subject Objectives (SK/SJK/) SO 3 : To listen to, view, read and respond to different texts, and express ideas, opinions, thoughts and feelings imaginatively and creatively in spoken and written form; and SO 4 : To show an awareness and appreciation of moral values and love for the nation. LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Subject Objectives (SM) SO 1 : To participate in social interaction through conversation, discussion and correspondence to develop and strengthen relationship and obtain goods and services. SO 2 : To obtain and process information from various audio-visual and printed resources in order to acquire knowledge and information in a critical manner SO 3 : To apply the acquired information to solve problems and make decisions as well as, to convey information orally and in written form LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Subject Objective (SM) SO 4 : To listen and respond to various English Language materials including literature components. SO 5 : To express ideas and opinions creatively and effectively in oral and written form. SO 6 : To acknowledge and practise positive values, patriotism and the love for the nation. LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Assessment Objectives (SK/SM) Ability to converse on a topic effectively Speak fluently Speak coherently Give appropriate responses Speak using the language appropriately within context Speak using correct and acceptable pronunciation Speak using correct grammar Speak using a wide range of appropriate vocabulary LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Objectives Subject Assessment Ability Ability Ability Ability To form and maintain relationships Ability Obtain, process and use information Ability Listen to, view, read and respond to various texts Ability Awareness and appreciation of moral values Ability LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA PLBS Construct Grammar and Vocabulary Pronunciation and Intonation Fluency and Rhythm Ethics and Mannerism LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA SCORING CRITERIA PERINGKAT KONSTRUK KETERANGAN A Grammar and Vocabulary Excellent use of the language. 2. Pronunciation & Intonation Excellent pronunciation and intonation. 3. Fluency and Rhythm Very fluent and coherent. 4. Ethics and Mannerism Respond with excellent mannerism. LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA SCORING CRITERIA PERINGKAT KONSTRUK KETERANGAN B 1. Grammar and Vocabulary Proper use of the language. 2. Pronunciation & Intonation Good pronunciation and intonation. 3. Fluency and Rhythm Fluent and clear but with occasional pauses. 4. Ethics and Mannerism Respond with good and appropriate mannerism. LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA SCORING CRITERIA PERINGKAT KONSTRUK KETERANGAN C 1. Grammar and Vocabulary Satisfactory use of the language. 2. Pronunciation & Intonation Satisfactory pronunciation and intonation. 3. Fluency and Rhythm Fairly fluent with frequent pauses. 4. Ethics and Mannerism Respond with satisfactory mannerism. LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA SCORING CRITERIA PERINGKAT KONSTRUK KETERANGAN D 1. Grammar and Vocabulary Minimal use of the language. 2. Pronunciation & Intonation Poor pronunciation and intonation. 3. Fluency and Rhythm Lack fluency with long pauses. 4. Ethics and Mannerism Respond impolitely and inappropriately. LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA PLBS Activity Package Interaction Story-telling and reciting rhymes/poems Give and carry out simple instructions Discussion LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA PLBS PACKAGE NO AKTIVITIES MODEL 1 2 3 4 5 1.0 2.0 3.0 To talk about oneself To ask and answer questions pertaining to family and friends To request / LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA PLBS Module/Model Individual Individual - Listener Individual - Peer Pair Work Group Work LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Model 1 (Individual) Based on a stimulus given, teacher questions the pupil Assessor (Teacher) Pupil LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Model 2 (Individual-Listener) The pupil will narrate a story Assessor (Teacher) Listener (Peer) LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Model 3 (Individual-Peer) Pupil Assessor (Teacher) Pupil (Peer) The peer will ask questions based on a stimulus The assessor will only assess the pupil. Pupil Assessor (Teacher) Pupil (Peer) LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA PLBS Model 4 (Pair Work) Both the pupils will interact while the teacher observes and intercedes when the need arises. Pupil Assessor (Teacher) Pupil LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Model 5 (Group Work) The pupils interact among themselves Pupil Assessor (Teacher) Pupil Pupil LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
PLBS Scoring Criteria & Recording A B C D Assessor Class Teacher Use the forms provided Assessor Class Teacher Pupil / Parents LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA
LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA PLBS CONCLUSION Thank you for your kind cooperation also for lending me your ears. LEMBAGA PEPERIKSAAN MALAYSIA