Combusting and Gasification Using Discrete Phase Method Combustion Through a Chamber
BACKGROUND: Gasification and Coal Combustion Ash Deposition Slagging and Slag Disposal Fouling Downstream [McDaniel, 2002]
GOVERNING EQUATIONS Gas Phase Equations Generation Destruction Diffusion Convection Turbulent Kinetic Energy Dissipation
GOVERNING EQUATIONS (Continue) Conservation of Energy Conservation of Species Mass Diffusion Tensor Mass Rate Molecular Rate of Destruction and Creation of Species
Constitutive Equations Force Momentum Balance Heat Balance Surface Reactions
FORMULATION OF PROBLEM USING FLUENT Boundary ConditionSecondary AirPrimary AirPressure Outlet Velocity15 m/s50m/s Temperature1500K 2000K Turbulence Intensity10%5% Hydraulic Diameter m Oxygen Mass Fraction.23 Schematic of Domain Boundary Conditions
SOLUTION Temperature ProfileMass Fraction of H2O Mass Fraction of CO2Mass Fraction of CO
SOLUTION (CONTINUED) Particle Residence Time
PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS Mole Fraction of Medium Volatile Coal at Selected Operating Temperatures as a Function of the Duct Length 1500 K Case
PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS Mole Fraction of Medium Volatile Coal at Selected Operating Temperatures as a Function of the Duct Length 1000 K Case
PARAMETRIC ANALYSIS Mole Fraction of Medium Volatile Coal at Selected Operating Temperatures as a Function of the Duct Length 2000 K Case
VALIDATION: Equilibrium Equations System of Equations Based On Stoichiometry Equilibrium Coefficient based on Partial Pressures
VALIDATION CONTINUE Values for Fractions The ratio of CO to CO2 in Fluent was.247 Difference between Calculated and Fluent is 14%
Reference 1.McDaniel, J., Tampa Electric Polk Power Station Integrated Combined Cycle Project Final Report. 2002, Tampa Electric Company: Tampa. p