HIAPER Modular Inlets (HIMIL) & Instrument Exhaust System - Dave Rogers - Outline HIMIL description contamination testing re-install HIMIL to different locations particle passing efficiencies instrument & exhaust pressures June 2006
HIMIL aerosol + trace gas sampling modular construction
contamination potential
contamination testing some data taken analysis in progress
configurations for ProgSci had to install long runs of tubing
routing of tubing from HIMIL to racks
estimated tubing lengths
effects of tubing length
Paul Baron’s spreadsheet
Estimating particle passing efficiency FLUENT modeling flow field aspiration efficiency
flow modeling – in progress 20,000 ft altitude, air speed 164 m s -1 velocity at the inlet face ~230 m -1
instrument & exhaust pressures
next? derive size-dependent corrections of aerosol particle concentration based on pressure & tubing length analyze for contamination evidence add tube inside HIMIL & run FLUENT for range of flight conditions use FLUENT to estimate passing efficiencies