Attendance ConferenceAttendance Conference New Directors TrainingNew Directors Training April 16, 2014April 16, 2014
Title III – English Language Learners Title III is the portion of ESEA that serves English as a Second Language students, referred to in TN as English Learners (ELs). Through Title III, students who have a primary language other than English receive instruction in English in a specialized setting. Tennessee has many language groups who come from multiple countries. For these students, English is not the first language they learned to speak. However, for many of these students, English is the first language in which they have learned to read and write. ESL classes vary from district to district and from school to school. The purpose of the Title III office in the State of Tennessee is to offer support and guidance in meeting federal and state guidelines set forth to educate this important subgroup in Tennessee schools. 2
Parental rights includes written guidance detailing 1. The right to have the child immediately removed on request 2. Options that parents have to decline to enroll child in this program or to choose another program. 3. Help selecting a program if options are available. 3
Rights of a waived/opted out English Learner The responsibility falls to the classroom teachers Must be tested with the English language proficiency assessment annually Must be transitioned and given special help when needed May have accommodations for assessments, coursework, and grading practices 4
Migrant – Immigrant - LEP Migrant: moves and clock resets, moves for agriculture Immigrant – 3 to 21, not born in a state, not been in a US school for 3+ years LEP/EL – 3 to 21, language keeps student from full access to academic curriculum 5
When a student enrolls Home Language Survey (HLS) with prescribed questions HLS placed in cumulative folder Screened if needed within time frame Parent notified of following Title III law Given services immediately 6
Test with screener TELPA – Tennessee English Language Placement Assessment W-APT from WIDA (World Class Instructional Design Assessment 14 days if enrolled after school begins 30 days if enrolled before school begins Do not use screener if other scores are available Screener generally only given once in a student’s career Screeners are not the best measure. 7
EIS Manual L “English Learner (EL)” --- Students whose first language is not English and who qualify for the services of an English as a Second Language “ESL” teacher N “Non-English Language Background (NELB)” -- - Students whose first language is not English, and DO NOT qualify for the services of an ESL teacher (never changes) W Parents waived regular ESL services 1 Transitional 1 the first year after scoring fluent in English on the annual assessment for English language proficiency 2 Transitional 2 the first year after scoring fluent in English on the annual assessment for English language proficiency G not currently used F Former EL (never changes) 8
Contact Jan Lanier 9