Cleopatra VIICleopatra VII (69-30 B.C.), the last ruling Pharaoh[ ʹ f ɛǝ rou] of Ancient Egypt could speak 9 languages. Friedrich EngelsFriedrich Engels (1820–1895), a German-English industrialist, social scientist mastered over 20 languages. John Tolkien (1892–1973), an English writer, poet, philologist, and university professor spoke more than a dozen languages and dialects and invented several languages of his own.
Mario PeiMario Pei (1901–1978), an Italian-American linguist and writer was claimed to be fluent in at least 38 languages and acquainted with the structure of more than 100. Pope John Paul IIPope John Paul II ( ) was fluent in 11 languages. Empress[ʹemprıs] Catherine II could speak 5 languages. M.Lomonosov was a brilliant polyglot. He spoke perfectly 11 languages. Besides he could read, speak and understand another 18 languages.
“Why study a foreign language?” “Those who know nothing of foreign languages, know nothing of their own” J. Goethe
“Why study a foreign language?” Foreign F- O- R- E- I- G- N- to forecast, to found, founder, field, fluently organization, opportunity, official, others to rank, to recognize, to research, to remain, to receive, reputation, to expand, to export, to explore, explorer, English, enormous to include, to invent, inventor, invention, international, influence, institutions to get, German, global to name after, nation, nuclear, native
Native Foreign Official International Widespread Modern World Major Global Old Language
Answer the questions: 1. What language has Mark (Sally, Alex) chosen? 2. Why? 3. Is he (she) happy with his (her) choice?
What emotions do you feel? Positive emotions -surprise -happiness -joy -success -satisfaction -proud Negative emotions I feel … - irritation because I … - boredom - sadness worked hard - dissatisfaction answered properly - anxiety was not bored - fear was active received a good (bad) mark