Grammar Practice Progression Analysis by: Rob Jenkins Staci Johnson This presentation analyzes a progressive approach to activities within a grammar lesson plan. Many words are used to identify activities that we all may consider interchangeable, but actually seem to manifest subtle differences at least in the eyes of Staci Johnson and Rob Jenkins. We hope that this presentation will clarify the meaning of mechanical, meaningful, production, accuracy, and fluency as we see them, showing the relationship they have with one another. We also hope this this will act as a guide to write and edit future manuscript.
Meaning Production Fluency Mechanical No Production Accuracy Meaningful Complete Production Fluency Activity Characteristics Exercises or activities have three characteristics. Activity progression usually starts at the lower end of each chart.
Meaning Production Fluency Mechanical No Production Accuracy Meaningful Complete Production Fluency Activity Characteristics NOTE: Activities are along a continuum. Except at the bottom or top of the charts, we cannot always say an activity is solely “mechanical” or “meaningful”, of “no production” or “complete production”, “accuracy” building, or “fluency” building.
Meaning Mechanical Meaningful MEANING PROGRESSION 1. Mechanical (no meaning necessary) Underline the be verb. 2. Mostly Mechanical (little to no meaning necessary) Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the be verb. 3. Mostly Meaningful Complete the sentences based on information from the chart. 4. Meaningful (doesn’t have to be personal) Complete the VENN diagram based on smoking risks. Write a paragraph about your opinion regarding… Activities should progress in a lesson; however, each level is not necessary.
Production No Production Complete Production PRODUCTION PROGRESSION 1. No Production (recognition exercises) Underline the be verb. Listen (no task)…. We should not have these. 2. Minimal Production Fill in the blanks with the correct form of the be verb. Answer with short answers only. 3. More Production Write sentences. Answer with complete sentences. 4. Complete Production Write a paragraph /essay. Discuss the pictures with a partner. Activities should progress in a lesson; however, each level is not necessary.
FLUENCY PROGRESSION 1. Accuracy Copy. 2. Productive Accuracy Fill in the blanks... Write sentences with words provided. Practice the dialog with new information provided. 3. Independent Expression Answer the questions in your own words. Write your ideas about… 4. Fluency (Communicative/Personal) Discuss your opinion with a partner. Fluency Accuracy Fluency Activities should progress in a lesson; however, each level is not necessary. You may not need to start at #1.
Meaning Production Fluency Mechanical No Production Accuracy Meaningful Complete Production Fluency Activity Progression The same activity may be in different places along the three continuums Represents the same activity in all three charts.
Meaning Production Fluency Mechanical No Production Accuracy Meaningful Complete Production Fluency Activity Progression However, the next activity cannot regress in any one continuum. YES!
Meaning Production Fluency Mechanical No Production Accuracy Meaningful Complete Production Fluency OR However, the next activity cannot regress in any one continuum. YES!
Meaning Production Fluency Mechanical No Production Accuracy Meaningful Complete Production Fluency NOT However, the next activity cannot regress in any one continuum. YES! NO!
Meaning Production Fluency Mechanical No Production Accuracy Meaningful Complete Production Fluency Use It! “Use It” activities must be meaningful. They don’t have to be completely productive or fluent.
Meaning Production Fluency Mechanical No Production Accuracy Meaningful Complete Production Fluency Live It! “Live It” activities must be meaningful, completely fluent, and productive.
Meaning Production Fluency All Work Together All three characteristics work together. There is often overlap.